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We forget that the creation of the novel should be, to a certain extent, a synthetic process, and impart to human actions that ideal quality which we demand in painting. Heine regards Cervantes as the originator of the modern novel.

The relatives and friends of the deceased charged John Brown and his band with these murders, which the relatives and friends of Brown persistently denied. He was, in fact, the originator and performer of these executions, although the hands that dealt the wounds were those of others." Frank B. Sanborn, "Life and Letters of John Brown," pp. 263-4.

Croly had a special claim to this distinction, for she was the originator of women's clubs. The first woman's club was founded by her in New York, March, 1868, under the name of "Sorosis." The example was quickly followed elsewhere, and when, in 1889, Sorosis, to celebrate its majority, called a convention of women's clubs, ninety-seven were known to exist in the United States.

The Netherlands execrated him as the most terrible enemy of their liberties, and the originator of all the misery which subsequently came upon them. Philip had evidently left the provinces too soon.

Seeds saved from this generation in 1900 have, however, repeated the mutation, giving rise to exactly the same new upright form in 1901. This was called by its originator "The Washington." Seeds from this second mutation were kindly sent to me by Mr. White, and proved true to their type when sown in my garden.

Ranyard, so well known as the originator of the London Bible Mission, suggesting that she should go and help her in the great work of superintending and training the Bible women, the other from a philanthropic gentleman, unfolding a plan for a proposed nurses' home in connection with an infirmary, and asking if she, after a few months' special training, would become its superintendent.

While this was going on in Europe, the originator of the merry game was quietly sitting upon his island smiling broadly at the excitable foreigners across the Channel, fishing as much as he could out of the water he himself had so cleverly disturbed, and thus in every way reaping the benefit from the mighty fight for the apple of Eros which he himself had thrown amongst them.

If it fails, the poor thing goes to a fatherless grave. I should like to say that I was the originator of the tank one of the originators. In generous mood, I am willing to share honors with rivals too numerous to mention. Haven't I also looked across No Man's Land toward the enemy's parapet?

Could it be possible that the man who had built up the field service of the bureau the man whose clean-handed patriotism had held the boys together, making them every year more clearly a unit, a little army of enthusiasts could it be possible that the originator, the organizer of this great plan, had been stricken down just when his influence was of most account?

Meantime she was not even capable of giving him the credit he deserved, in that, holding the opinions he held, he yet advocated a life spent for the community without, as I presume, deriving much inspiration thereto from what he himself would represent as the ground of all conscientious action, the consideration, namely, of its reaction upon its originator.