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I admit that the mark of the paint proves the nightgown to have made the smear on Rachel's door. But what evidence is there to prove that you are the person who wore it, on the night when the Diamond was lost?" The objection struck me, all the more forcibly that it reflected an objection which I had felt myself.

"I think you ought to pay for two places," Bob said. "I am sure you have got twice as much room as I have. And if there is any scrouging, it isn't me." "Would you have any objection, sir," the woman said majestically, to a man sitting on the other side of her, "to change places with me?

With all his latent objection to schemes only definite in their generality and nebulous in detail in the poise of his sentiments he felt at one with this man who had made a visionary selection of him: the lines of what may be called their emotional theory touched.

"I never had any objection," said Solomon, who, in spite of all his gravity, betrayed an alertness on this occasion that was certainly not usual to him; "I never had any objection to look upon any work from His hand, with pleasure.

The assumption that either sex of a given species is a distinct "being" cannot probably be slid into the minor premise of the argument without some objection from the opposing counsel.

To this reasoning the following objection might be raised.

Borrowing of this kind consequently does everything that is needed for the solution of the immediate war problem, and the only objection to it is that it leaves later on the difficulties involved by raising taxes when the war is over, and economic problems are much more complicated in times of peace than in war, for meeting the interest and redemption of debt.

"It wouldn't be kind in me, though, to laugh at your friend." "Oh, she's not so especially and particularly my friend that you need mind that." "Then you'll promise not to be angry?" "Oh no, I won't be angry." "Well, then; she has two passions: they are for worsted and hymn-books. She has a moral objection to waltzing.

The TURNIP, and the Swedish turnip, or ruta baga, are also largely cultivated as a field crop to feed to stock; and for this purpose almost numberless varieties are used, furnishing a great amount of succulent and nutritious food, late into winter, and, if well-kept, late into spring. The chief objection to the turnip is, that it taints the milk.

If he has any personal objection, then, I fear, the matter must rest. 'You have a very easy conscience in such matters, Mr Slope, said she. 'I should not have an easy conscience, he rejoined, 'but a conscience very far from being easy, if anything said or done by me should lead the bishop to act unadvisedly on this matter.