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Updated: August 9, 2024

Grove describes a necrosed inferior turbinated bone, to which was attached a coffee-grain which had been retained in the nostril for twenty years., Hickman gives an instance of a steel ring which for thirteen and a half years had been impacted in the nasopharyngeal fossa of a child. It was detected by the rhinoscope and was removed.

Such an ulcer has an elevated border, sharply cut edges, an indurated base, and exudes a scanty serous discharge; its surface is at first occupied by yellow necrosed tissue, but in time this is replaced by smooth, pale-pink granulation tissue; finally, epithelium may spread over the surface, and the ulcer heals.

At this time the head-injury caused him no inconvenience, but it was necessary to amputate the leg and remove the necrosed bones from the cranial wounds; the patient recovered. Recovery After Injuries by Machinery, with Multiple Fractures, etc.

In one experiment ovaries from a pregnant rabbit were implanted into the peritoneum of a non-pregnant rabbit, but on post-mortem examination of the latter eleven days later the implanted ovaries were found to be necrosed and no proliferation of milk gland had taken place.

In this connection Young mentions a patient of sixty-five who in January, 1860, injured his right thumb and lost the last joint by swelling and necrosis. Chloroform was administered to excise a portion of the necrosed bone and death ensued. Recently, Dalton records a remarkable case of stab-wound of the pericardium with division of the intercostal artery, upon which he operated.

#Clinical Features.# In pharyngeal diphtheria, on the first or second day of the disease, redness and swelling of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, tonsils, and palate are well marked, and small, circular greenish or grey patches of false membrane, composed of necrosed epithelium, fibrin, leucocytes, and red blood corpuscles, begin to appear.

As a rule, the fistula is dilated by a tent of alder-pith, mandragora, briony or gentian, the lining membrane destroyed by an ointment of quick-lime or even the actual cautery, and the wound then dressed with egg-albumen followed by the unguentum viride. Necrosed bone is to be removed, if necessary, by deep incisions, and decayed teeth are to be extracted.

As a result of the subsequent contraction of the cicatricial tissue, the scar is usually depressed below the level of the surrounding skin surface. If an abscess is prevented from healing for example, by the presence of a foreign body or a piece of necrosed bone a sinus results, and from it pus escapes until the foreign body is removed.

There were cases in which the lower segment of the small intestine, most marked immediately above the ileocæcal valve, extending thence upward, was of a dark reddish-brown color, the mucous membrane being covered with superficial hæmorrhages. In many cases the mucous membrane appeared to be superficially necrosed, and covered with diphtheritic patches.

The smouldering in the bunker had weakened resistance there and her necrosed ribs had given away. The Red Un, scurrying through the tunnel, was met by a maddened rush of trimmers and stokers. He went down under them and came up bruised, bleeding, battling for place. "You skunks!" he blubbered. "You crazy cowards! Come back and help!" A big stoker stopped and caught the boy's arm.

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