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He can screw up for a prayer-meetin', or he can screw down for business when he's a mind, but, as Jimmie over there says, 'the divil a different pace can you put him through. I like monkey-wrenches! I'm only sayin' they aren't as limber as willa-trees." No response from the Colonel, who was making the chips fly.

However intimate they might be with T. Cholmondeley Frink as a neighbor, as a borrower of lawn-mowers and monkey-wrenches, they knew that he was also a Famous Poet and a distinguished advertising-agent; that behind his easiness were sultry literary mysteries which they could not penetrate.

"Oh, I reckon not," answered Uncle Tucker, puffing away as he laid out his monkey-wrenches. "The Honorable Gid is up to his neck in this here no-dram wave what is a-sweeping around over the state and pretty nigh rising up as high as the necks of even private liquor bottles. Gid's not to say a teetotaler, but he had to climb into the bandwagon skiff or sink outen sight.

At the same time another of Guffey's men, an ex-army officer still wearing his, uniform, caused a meeting of the American Legion to be summoned; he made a furious address to the boys, and at nine o'clock that night some two-score of them set out, armed with big monkey-wrenches from their automobiles, and raided the I. W. W. headquarters, and battered the members over the head with the monkey-wrenches, causing several to leap from the window and break their legs.

Too much overalls and monkey-wrenches and grease!" "But Eugene says people are hiring mechanics to do all that sort of thing for them. They're beginning to have them just the way they have coachmen; and he says it's developing into quite a profession." "I know that, mother, of course; but I've seen some of these mechanics, and they're not very satisfactory.

The place was a bedlam of women's shrieks, and the curses of fighting men, and the crash of overturning furniture, and of clubs and monkey-wrenches on human heads. The younger members of the Chamber of Commerce and the Merchants' and Manufacturers' Association had come in sufficient force to make sure of their purpose.

If you have ever lived in a small town, you have seen Francis Pfleuger, and probably you have sent him after sky-hooks, left-handed monkey-wrenches and pails of steam, and laughed uproariously behind his back when he set forth to do your bidding. The Francis Pfleugers of the world have inspired both fun and laughter for generations out of mind.

"That's what you geezers are sweating for! That's why you've got to be good, and not throw monkey-wrenches in the machinery so the seven broken-hearted chorus-girls can drown their sorrows in champagne!" And now here was the hero of all these romantic escapades, forsaking the white lights of Broadway, and coming home to help the old man keep his contracts.

It isn't going to be not knowing how that will hold me up it'll be the lack of something that I can't build." "And that's where you will go back and back and back, as you said about building the penstock?" "Back and back is right, if I can find all the necessary raw materials that's what's probably going to put a lot of monkey-wrenches into the machinery."