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Updated: August 19, 2024

One of those periodical outbreaks of war, which seem to have occurred from time immemorial, for the possession of cattle, had burst forth in the land, and had so changed the relations of the tribes to each other that I was obliged to set out anew to look for a suitable locality for a mission-station. In going north again a comet blazed on our sight, exciting the wonder of every tribe we visited.

In addition to the confession of the Governor of Tette, of an intention to go on with this slaving in accordance with the counsel of his elder brother at Mosambique, we had reason to believe that slavery went on under the eye of his Excellency, the Governor-General himself; and this was subsequently corroborated by our recognizing two women at Mosambique who had lived within a hundred yards of the Mission-station at Magomero.

The Collector will be here and be pained. The Collector, his wife, and Gallio climbed the hill to the Mission-station. The converts were drawn up in two lines, a shining band nearly forty strong. 'Hah! said the Collector, whose acquisitive bent of mind led him to believe that he had fostered the institution from the first. 'Advancing, I see, by leaps and bounds. Never was truer word spoken!

The organization of the episcopate was followed by the organization of the parish system. The mission-station or monastery from which priest or bishop went forth on journey after journey to preach and baptize naturally disappeared as the land became Christian. The missionaries turned into settled clergy.

On a low island of barren gneiss-rock off the west coast of Scotland an Irish refugee, Columba, had raised the famous mission-station of Iona. It was within its walls that Oswald in youth found refuge, and on his accession to the throne of Northumbria he called for missionaries from among its monks. The first preacher sent in answer to his call obtained little success.

But in the summer of 1798, they were alarmed with the certain intelligence that five or six of their families had arrived at a European settlement, at Kippakak, about five or six miles distant from Hopedale; and in April 1799, some of them for the first time paid the mission-station a visit. They were a father and son, who came with the design of buying tobacco from the brethren.

Croix, and I delivered a letter to the chief of the establishment, Herr Morlang. Jan. 24th. Took observations of the sun, making latitude 6 degrees 39'. The mission-station consists of about twenty grass huts on a patch of dry ground close to the river. The church is a small hut, but neatly arranged.

Here by the edge of the river, but standing a little above it, were the burnt-out ruins of a building that by its shape had evidently been a church, and near to it other ruins of a school and of a house which once was the mission-station.

"But what for the use?" asked Betsy, turning her large brown eyes solemnly on her companion. "It no seems too big to me. Besides, when brudder Gubbins give him to me he " "Who is brudder Gubbins?" asked Marie, with a look of smiling surprise. "Oh! you know. The min'ster Gubbins what come to the mission-station just afore me an' Waroonga left for Ratinga." "Oh!

The boat was ready to start, we were all on board, and Ibrahim and his people came to say good-by. Crowds lined the cliff and the high ground by the old ruins of the mission-station to see us depart.

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