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My uncle is dead: must I not secure my possessions? for I am no longer a poor man; I cannot afford to let my life fall into the hands of those wolves." "Mazurier retracted? I cannot believe it, Victor Le Roy!" "Believe, then, that yesterday the man was in prison, and to-day he is at large.

This prospect of life so priceless in contemplation of its loss, oh, the beggar who crept past him was an enviable man, compared with young Victor Le Roy, the heir of love and riches, the heir of liberty and life! Yes, he went home with Mazurier. Where else should he go? Congratulations attended him.

A week after, Le Roy was brought to trial, and recanted; and so recanting, was acquitted and set at liberty. Mazurier supposed that he meant all kindly in the exertion he made to save his friend. He would never have ceased from self-reproach, had he conveyed the words of Jacqueline to Victor, for the effect of those words he could clearly foresee.

He could have gone on, who might tell to what fanatical length? had it not been for that fortunate arrest which made a sane man of him! Leclerc was not quite in the wrong, not absolutely, but neither was he, as Mazurier had once believed, gloriously in the right.

"This fellow also was among the wool-comber's disciples," said they; and their successful dealing with Mazurier encouraged the authorities to hope that soon all this evil would be overcome, trampled in the dust: this impudent insurrection of thought should certainly be stifled; youth and age, high station, low, should be taught alike of Rome.

Martial Mazurier walked arm in arm with him, but the world was a den of horrors, a blackened and accursed world, to the young man who came from prison, free to use his freedom as the priests directed! He went home from the prison with Mazurier. The world had conquered. Love had conquered, Love, that in the conquest felt itself disgraced.

We may look for it in brave men like Leclerc, whose very living depends on their ability to earn their bread, to earn it by daily sweat; but men who need not toil, who have leisure and education, of course you would not expect such testimony to the truth of Jesus from them! Bishop Briconnet recants, and Martial Mazurier; and Victor Le Roy is no braver man, no truer man than these!"

Should Mazurier come with Victor, she would let them pass; but if Victor came alone, she had a right to speak. It was after midnight when the student came down from the preacher's study. She heard his voice when the door opened, by the street-lamp saw his face.

John was not at home, and his mother could tell them nothing, had heard nothing of the arrest of Victor. Then to the place which Victor had pointed out to her as the home of Mazurier. Mazurier likewise they failed to find. Where, then, was the prison of Le Roy's captivity?

But it chanced, on the last day of the last week in the vineyard, tidings reached her: Martial Mazurier had been arrested, and would be tried, the rumor said, as John Leclerc had been tried; and sentence would be pronounced, doubtless, said conjecture, severe in proportion to the influence the man had acquired, to the position he held.