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I mention these Harfours for the purpose of stating that no people answering to the description of them given above were seen by us in New Guinea or the Louisiade Archipelago. It appears to me that there are two distinct varieties of the Papuan race inhabiting the south-east portion of New Guinea.

Louisiade: Sama. Darnley Island: Charima. Dufaure Island: Sarima. Prince of Wales Islands: Sarima. Redscar Bay: Darima. Voyage au Pole Sud, etc.

The Louisiade Archipelago, reduced to what I conceive to be its natural limits, includes that extensive group of islands comprised between the parallels of 10 degrees 40 minutes and 11 degrees 40 minutes South latitude, and the meridians of 151 degrees and 154 degrees 30 minutes East longitude.

Without entering into the question of their supposed origin, I may state that, in some of their physical, intellectual, and moral characters, and also partially in their language, they seem to me to show indications of a Malayo-Polynesian influence, probably acquired before their arrival in New Guinea, along the shores of which they seem to have extended, colonising the Louisiade during their progress, which at Cape Possession was finally arrested by their meeting with the other section of the race alluded to in the preceding paragraph.

Judging from the little that was seen of them during the voyage of the Fly, these people appear to agree with the Torres Strait Islanders an offshoot, there is reason to believe, of the same stock in being a dark and savage race, the males of which go entirely naked. The second variety occupies the remainder of the south-east coast of New Guinea and the Louisiade Archipelago.

An interest of another character also attaches to this trip, but it will be well to quote on this point the instructions given to the navigator. "An American captain," writes the Minister of Marine, "said that he saw in the hands of the natives of an isle situated between New Caledonia and the Louisiade Archipelago a cross of St.

In each system there is a prefix, and in each that prefix begins with a labial letter indeed the wa of New Caledonia and the pahi of Louisiade seem to be the same roots. The Redscar Bay numerals are equally instructive. They take two forms: one with, one without, the prefix in ow, as recorded by Mr. Macgillivray. This system of prefix is not peculiar.

The island of Huon, and the chain of reefs to the north of New Caledonia, were subsequently surveyed. From this point D'Urville reached the Louisiade Archipelago in six days, but the stormy weather there encountered determined him to abandon the course he had planned out, and not to pass through Torres Straits.

Before quitting the subject of the coral reefs of the Louisiade I may be permitted to express my conviction of the perfect manner in which many, perhaps all of the appearances which they present may be satisfactorily accounted for by the application of Mr. Darwin's theory.

On Round Island in Coral Haven, Louisiade Archipelago, under stones. This pretty little Helicina is nearly allied to some Philippine species. Helicina gouldiana. Tab. 3 fig. 3. a, b.