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The distinguished foreigner says, says he "Sare, eef you af no 'otel, I sall recommend you, milor, to ze 'Otel Betfort, in ze Quay, sare, close to the bathing-machines and custom-ha-oose. Good bets and fine garten, sare; table-d'hote, sare, a cinq heures; breakfast, sare, in French or English style; I am the commissionaire, sare, and vill see to your loggish."

But the great masses of timber not yet firmly lashed together lay loose and loggish upon the water, and moved very slowly and irregularly under such ill-assorted propulsion: and, notwithstanding that the raft had obtained a hundred yards the start of the swimmers, its occupants began seriously to dread being overtaken. They had reason to fear it.

Calhoun?" he said to the paunchy, brisk little man beside him. "Yes, yes," pulling his black moustache. "Fact is, this is no place for Isabel, squire. She has no mother: I have to think for the child. She has kinsfolk in New England, and I'll send her there for a year or two. To tell you the truth, I can't see her mated with one of these loggish young ploughmen about Sevier."

The man got off, as a matter of habit, to know what was laming his Horse. But he left the reins on its neck instead of on the ground, and the Horse, taking advantage of this technicality, ran off in the darkness. Then the cow-boy, realizing that he was afoot, lay down in a hollow under some buffalo-bushes and slept the loggish sleep of the befuddled.

Jake soon forgot it in his loggish slumber. The callers were Tito and Saddleback. The challenge was not an empty bluff. It had a distinct purpose behind it to know for sure whether the enemy had any dogs with him; and because there was no responsive bark Tito knew that he had none.

I waited, holding her head in well as I could so unruly a hulk, and as a big roller came after us, paddled as hard as I could. The wave chased us, caught us, pushed us, carried us in. There was a lift of our loggish bows, a blinding crash of white water about us.

The plunging red hull to starboard was the last of the Mersey marks, for the North-West ship was hidden by low clouds. Ahead the angry gray water was broken by streaks of foam. Terrier rolled and quivered when her bows smashed a sea, and showers of spray beat like hail against the screens on the bridge. "She's loggish," Brown remarked. "If you don't burn up that coal soon, she'll wash it off.

These latter seize you as you descend from your place, twenty cards are thrust into your hand, and as many voices, jabbering with inconceivable swiftness, shriek into your ear, "Dis way, sare; are you for ze' 'Otel of Rhin? 'Hotel de l'Amiraute! 'Hotel Bristol, sare! Monsieur, 'l'Hotel de Lille? Sacr-rrre 'nom de Dieu, laissez passer ce petit, monsieur! Ow mosh loggish ave you, sare?"