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At quarter-past one, when the Ridgley team ran out on the field for warming-up practice, Coach Murray looked over the squad and yelled sharply: "Campbell, get out there in left-half and let me see you show some pep." The tone of his voice was like a whiplash, and every member of the team knew that he was angry clear through.

At the end of the third week both Varsity and scrub teams were at length selected, and Joel, to his delight, found himself playing left-half on the latter.

The game was not encouraging from the Erskine point of view, and the gloom deepened. Foster declared that it was so thick during the last half of the contest that he couldn't see the backs. Neil saw the game from the bench, and Paul, once more at left-half, played an excellent game; but, try as he might, could not outdo Gillam.

One Saturday Prince, the Varsity left-half, twisted his ankle, and Joel was taken on in his place. They were playing Amherst, and Joel has ever since held that college in high esteem, for that it was against its Eleven he made his début into Harwell football life. And how he played!

To the Ridgley left-half a strange feeling had come as he saw Norris break away; it had seemed to him, for a brief instant, that anything he could do would be of no use whatever. In the next moment he found himself almost upon Norris and before he had time to think he had made a tackle that turned the despairing groans of the Ridgley supporters into a yell of relief.

I feel as if I had been playing against a bunch of Bengal tigers. If we ever played again you'd probably trim the life out of us." "I'd like to meet that little chap who played left-half for you," said Norris. "I never quite saw his equal." Neil Durant called Teeny-bits, and the half-back shook hands with the captain of the Jefferson eleven.

"No, straight up the field rush it!" ordered Allen. Once more he made a slight gain. "One minute more!" warned the time-keeper. "Oh, can we do it!" panted Wallace. He called on Ralph West for a straight plunge between guard and tackle. The plucky left-half drew a long breath, and gathered himself for the tremendous energy he knew would be needed. They were but four feet from the goal line.

Campbell had needed no word to inform him that he was relieved of his duties at left-half; he had given Teeny-bits one startled glance and had headed for the side line. Dean called out the signals while the team ran through a series of plays. "Come on now; we're all here; let's go," cried Neil, and the team responded with a snap.

You must remember in the match with England last fall the brilliant work of the half-back. Everybody went mad about him. That was young Cameron!" "You don't tell me! The left-half in the English International last fall?" "Yes, indeed! Oh, he's wonderful! But he has to be watched, you know, and the young fool lost us the last " Miss Bessie abruptly checked herself. "But never mind!

The ball was in Jefferson's possession at the middle of the field. On the very next play the purple left-half fumbled, and Neil Durant swooped down on the bouncing ball like a hawk on a sparrow. The error seemed to "rattle" the Jefferson team. Dean called for an end run by Neil Durant and the captain responded by dashing forward for a fifteen-yard gain.