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Panshin began with compliments to Lavretsky, with a description of the rapture in which, according to him, the whole family of Marya Dmitrievna! spoke of Vassilyevskoe; and then, according to his custom, passing neatly to himself, began to talk about his pursuits, and his views on life, the world and government service; uttered a sentence or two upon the future of Russia, and the duty of rulers to keep a strict hand over the country; and at this point laughed light-heartedly at his own expense, and added that among other things he had been intrusted in Petersburg with the duty de poplariser l'idee du cadastre.

Muslin ballet-girl or satin duchess it matters no jot, nothing counts with the jury but l'idee plastique: comradeship, money gain or loss, are waived. The rejection of Mr. Shannon's portraits will probably cost the club four guineas a year, the amount of his subscription, and it will certainly lose to the club the visits of his numerous drawing-room following. This is to be regretted in a way.

JEAN COLERUS, "Vie de Spinoza," reprinted by Saisset, p. 4. SPINOZA, "Ethica," Definitions III., IV., V. "Il construit le systéme entiere des êtres avec ces trois seuls elements; la substance, l'attribut, et le mode." "Voila l'idée mere de la metaphysique de Spinoza." SAISSET, "Introduction," p. SPINOZA, "De Intellectus Emendatione." This treatise contains the exposition of his method.

"Regardez donc ses epaules," said one. "Ah, mon Dieu! Il me fait l'idee d'une grenouille aves ses jambes jaunes," cried another. "Il vaut son pesant de fromage pour une Vaudeville," said the director of the strolling theatre of the place. "I'll give seventy francs a week, 'd'appointment, and 'Scribe' shall write a piece express for himself, if he'll take it."

Ce défaut de correspondance me paroît encore réveiller l'idée des bouleversemensThe general result, from these observations of our author, is this.

Sitting in the saloon at the most incongruous hours of day and night, he would exclaim, "J'ai l'idée de prendre bientôt mon bain!" or he would speak with a shiver of recollection of the imaginary plunge taken that morning.

To be of all time the artist must begin by being of his own time; and if he would find the eternal type he must seek it in his own parish. The painters of old Venice were entirely concerned with l'idee plastique, but on this point the art of Mr. Watts is a repudiation of the art of his masters. Abstract conceptions have been this long while a constant source of pollution in his work.