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Isay half reclined on the ground, his back resting against a burned joist, his bare head hanging over his right shoulder, his right hand in his trousers' pocket, and the fingers of his left hand clutching the soil. The mother looked at Isay's face. One eye, wide open, had its dim glance fixed upon his hat lying between his lazily outstretched legs.

'Who are you? shouted the man, stopping the horse, and recognizing Vasili Anereevich he immediately took hold of the shaft, went along it hand over hand till he reached the sledge, and placed himself on the driver's seat. He was Isay, a peasant of Vasili Andreevich's acquaintance, and well known as the principal horse-thief in the district. 'Ah, Vasili Andreevich!

She stood in the kitchen by the oven, and looked through the window into the profound, starry heaven. Pavel walked in from the yard with Andrey, and the Little Russian said, shaking his head: "Oh, Isay, Isay! What's to be done with him?" "We must advise him to give up his project," said Pavel glumly.

"And as for Isay Gorbov, I'll wring his head off! You shall see!" "What for?" asked the Little Russian in a quiet, earnest voice. "He shouldn't be a spy; he shouldn't go about denouncing people. It's through him my father's gone to the dogs, and it's owing to him that he now is aiming to become a spy," said Vyesovshchikov, looking at Andrey with a dark, hostile scowl.

"Haven't you heard who killed Isay?" He stopped in his clumsy pacing of the room to turn to Pavel. "No!" Pavel answered briefly. "There you got a man who wasn't squeamish about the job! And I'd always been preparing to do it myself. It was my job just the thing for me!" "Don't talk nonsense, Nikolay," Pavel said in a friendly manner.

"The man's not sitting out there mourning over Isay. He knocked him down and fled!" On the street Marya said: "Now they'll begin to rummage about again and look for the murderer. It's a good thing your folks were at home last night. I can bear witness to that. I walked past here after midnight and glanced into the window, and saw all of you sitting around the table."

And then what's all this? I started to work, and I heard them shouting: 'Isay is killed! I didn't even believe it, but my hand grew numb and I felt awkward in working with it. It didn't hurt me, but it seemed to have grown shorter." He looked at his hand obliquely and said: "All my life, I suppose, I won't be able to wash off that dirty stain from it."

Where are you off to? said Isay, enveloping Nikita in the odour of the vodka he had drunk. 'We were going to Goryachkin. 'And look where you've got to! You should have gone through Molchanovka. 'Should have, but didn't manage it, said Vasili Andreevich, holding in the horse.

We would indeed very willingly have visited the Islands, which might be seen from the house scattered in the sea, and I was particularly desirous to have viewed Isay; but the storms did not permit us to launch a boat, and we were condemned to listen in idleness to the wind, except when we were better engaged by listening to the ladies.

"He's an irascible boy. I wouldn't talk to him about Isay, mother. That fellow Isay is really spying and getting paid for it, too." "What's so strange in that? His godfather is a gendarme," observed the mother. "Well, Nikolay will give him a dressing. What of it?" the Little Russian continued uneasily. "See what hard feelings the rulers of our life have produced in the rank and file?