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The possibility of the three high temperatures with leucocytosis being due to intercurrent infections must be considered. Charles O. had high fever only for ten days during a psychosis of several months. Annie G.’s high fever was of about the same duration. Caroline DeS. had short periods of marked pyrexia in the first and seventh months of her long psychosis.

When we are studying an uninteresting subject, if our mind tends to wander, we have to bring back our attention every now and then by using distinct pulses of effort, which revivify the topic for a moment, the mind then running on for a certain number of seconds or minutes with spontaneous interest, until again some intercurrent idea captures it and takes it off.

The disease is of slow progress and may become arrested; life may be prolonged for many years, or may be terminated by brain complications or by intercurrent affections. In certain cases it is possible to remove some of the more disfiguring of the bony masses.

But he was liable to intercurrent fits of jealousy and rage, such as the light-hued races are hardly capable of conceiving, blinding paroxysms of passion, which for the time overmastered him, and which, if they found no ready outlet, transformed themselves into the more dangerous forces that worked through the instrumentality of his cool craftiness.

The functions of the thoracic and abdominal organs seem to be normal, and death is generally due to some intercurrent disease, possibly tuberculosis. A condition akin to myxedema occurs after operative removal of the thyroid gland. In a most interesting lecture Brissaud shows the intimate relation between myxedema, endemic cretinism, sporadic cretinism, or myxedematous idiocy, and infantilism.

As nothing keeps this reserve so good or increases it more than rest, he should expect to have a restful day at least once a week, and a good rest of at least two or three weeks once or twice a year. A patient with these restrictions may live for years with a serious valvular defect and may die of some intercurrent disease which has nothing to do with the circulatory system.

You give it and relieve; but your patient is worse again in a few weeks and then you give it again with relief. By and by, it fails you. Now, if I want to make a permanent cure, for instance, in a scrofulous child, I will very seldom give him mercury; should I do so, it will be at least only as an intercurrent remedy." Suppressive Surgical Treatment of Tonsillitis and Enlarged Adenoids

The child was under my care for two weeks, and, probably because of an intercurrent attack of diarrhea, grew steadily worse during that time, in spite of the full doses of arsenic which were administered to him. He was literally covered with bruises from the sudden and violent contacts with articles of furniture, the floor, and the walls.

The wounds heal well, but the victims of tabes are unfavourable subjects for operative interference, on account of their liability to intercurrent complications. When the limb is quite useless, amputation may be the best course. In cerebral lesions attended with hemiplegia, joint affections, characterised by evanescent pain, redness, and swelling, are occasionally met with.

Naturally any physical disease reduces the capacity for normal response to mental difficulties; hence physical illness may facilitate the production of a psychosis. But this intercurrent factor is also non-specific. Such is our view of the etiology of manic-depressive insanity as a whole. When we approach the study of benign stupors, however, difficult problems appear.