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It was formerly customary to throw most of the blame on the poor themselves, to charge them with being lazy, intemperate, vicious, and generally incompetent, and it is useless to deny that these appear to be the direct causes in great numbers of instances, but as much of the negro and poor white trash in the South was found to be due to hookworm infection, so very many of the faults of the shiftless poor in the cities are due more indirectly to lack of nourishment, of education, and of courage.

Mary drew her breath sharp; her thin, flat bosom heaved and her fingers clutched her gown. David Martin had so far classified his perplexity concerning Doris as to name it "Southern fever." "Hookworm?" Joan broke in gleefully. Martin frowned but did not reply. "Doris," he turned to the couch, "I must go out West." She understood. Martin never spoke openly about his family affairs.

Buttrick this for the benefit of his incredulous friend "what is the scientific standing of Dr. Charles W. Stiles?" "Very, very high," came the immediate response, and at this Dr. Gates pricked up his ears. Yet the subsequent conversation disclosed that Dr. Flexner was unfamiliar with the Stiles hookworm work. "If Dr.

The Kentuckian shook his head. "They're all that way," he said. "They jes' look all beaten out as if they hadn't any life left in them at all. I reckon the most o' them have hookworm, too, an' they just look fit to drop." "Hookworm, Uncle Eli? What is that?" asked the boy. "It's a queer kind o' disease," the old man answered, "that comes from goin' barefoot.

Stiles believes this," was his dictum, "it is something to be taken most seriously." As Dr. Flexner is probably the leading medical scientist in the United States, his judgment at once lifted the hookworm issue to a new plane. Dr. Gates ceased laughing and events now moved rapidly. Mr. In this way an enterprise that is the greatest sanitary and health reform of modern times had its beginnings.

To come nearer home, there can be little question that the baneful, persistent influence of malaria, together with the hookworm disease, has had much to do both with the degeneracy of the Southern "cracker," or "mean white," and with those wild outbursts of primitive ferocity in all classes which take the form of White Cap raids and lynching mobs.