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Knowing how displeased she had been at the time of it, and fearing to excite her if he recalled the event to her mind, he had thought it best to say nothing, but leave her to broach the subject whenever she should feel inclined, although he wondered that she did not make some inquiry regarding his young wife whom the family had expected he would bring with him to Heathdale.

Heath, but she did not believe that that would count for very much; it would not be the first time that such a thing had occurred young men would sow wild oats occasionally, and though it might wound her pride terribly to have any scandal arise regarding the matter, yet she could bear that with a far better grace than to have an ignorant plebeian from the wilds of America become the mistress of Heathdale.

It would therefore be very mortifying to have its hospitable doors closed against her, and, finding herself liable to be ignominiously checkmated if she persisted in her present course, she resolved to "right about face" with the greatest grace possible, at least until she was obliged to yield her position to the future mistress of Heathdale.

"I shall take the loveliest bride in the world back with me when we go home to Heathdale." "Where you will be Lady Heath my Virgie. Ah, I am very thankful that my child will occupy so proud a position in life," said the voice of Mr. Abbot, just behind them. He had come out to seek them, and had approached just as Sir William uttered those last words.

"But can you give me any idea regarding her plans or movements?" "No, I cannot, I am sorry to say," returned Doctor Thornton. "I asked her what course she intended to pursue, and she said, in the saddest voice I ever heard, 'I do not exactly know yet; I simply desire to establish the rightful claim of my daughter as the heiress of Heathdale."

You will never be mistress of Heathdale!" reiterated Mrs. Farnum, in an inflexible voice, as she disengaged her wrist from Virgie's grasp, which had left the imprint of every finger upon it. "Go on!" commanded the young wife, authoritatively "You have simply made a statement. You must confirm it."

You say that your hus that Sir William has your marriage certificate, and you have nothing to prove your statements with, even if you should present yourself at Heathdale. How do you suppose you would be received there if you should burst in upon them claiming to be Sir William's wife and the mistress of Heathdale if you could not substantiate your statements?

"If she persists in her purpose of securing proofs and going to Heathdale to claim her position, of course it will upset everything.

Come with me at once to England and to Heathdale where you shall have every comfort and attention, and the change will do you good." A sad smile flitted over Mr. Abbot's wan features. "It is too late," he said, sorrowfully. "I shall not live through another month; but my mind is at ease and it will be a restful season the little time that I am spared.

She knew that he would never forgive her; she would be ignominiously banished from Heathdale, and be obliged to hide herself at Linton Grange, where she would lead a life of poverty and seclusion; so it is not strange that she trembled at the thought of Sir William sailing for America. "Shall you return at once?" she asked, as they arose from the table.