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Allow me to present Senor Luis Torres." Kirk felt the room begin to revolve slowly. "My friend does not possess a card at the moment, eh?" continued the Professor. The little, rotund man bowed, his hand-polished, mahogany features widening in a smile. "'Sveree hot wedder!" he exclaimed.

The ware is of the rude kind generally used over the fire. The body is high and cylindrical, the rim flaring, and the bottom quite flat. The form is suggestive of our domestic crockery. It is of the dark, rudely hand-polished variety. The body is globular, the neck is very short and is ornamented with a dentate band.

The play of "Oedipe" was presented by Voltaire at the Theater Francaise, November Eighteenth, Seventeen Hundred Eighteen. This play was written before the author's sojourn in prison, but there he had sandpapered its passages, and hand-polished the epigrams.

The resultant mottled surface was then hand-polished, and sometimes, but more rarely, used as the medium for a design in white.

Lipkind's kitchen which must lie within the soul of the housewife who achieves it the lace-edged shelves, the scoured armament of dishpan, soup-pot, and what not; the white Swiss window-curtains, so starchy, and the two regimental geraniums on the sill; the roller-towel too snowy for mortal hand to smudge; the white sink, hand-polished; the bland row of blue-and-white china jars spicily inscribed to nutmeg, cinnamon, and cloves.

These editorials extended themselves into a series, and hand-polished and sandpapered, were reprinted in pamphlet form in Eighteen Hundred Seventy-one, under the title of "Our Land Policy." The temerity which prompted the printing of this pamphlet was evolved through a letter from John Stuart Mill.

A lustrous black glaze medium is spread as a slip over the surface of the clay, so as to produce an effect generally similar to that of the hand-polished ware, and on this lustrous slip the decoration is painted, generally in white, more rarely in vermilion. Thus we have painted vases, with light design upon a dark ground.

Bagh, brute energy beneath hand-polished hair and plastered dirt, sprang like a loosed Hell-tantrum, and his rider's lips drew tight over clenched teeth as he mastered self, agony and horse in one man's effort.

When the first coat has thoroughly dried and hardened, the surface will have to be thoroughly rubbed till it is perfectly smooth with tripoli powder and fine pumice-stone, and afterwards hand-polished with rotten-stone and putty powder.

Peter was in his room when I knocked up two flights of stairs off Washington Square Eighth Street really in one of those houses with a past of mahogany, open wood fires, old Madeira in silver coasters pushed across hand-polished tables, that kind of a past. None of all this could be seen in its present.