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"Yield yourself a prisoner, or die!" suddenly broke from the lips of the concealed hunter. Gaut cast a startled glance around him, and then instantly threw himself to the ground, but barely in time to escape the bullet of the exploding rifle below, which struck the rock in the exact spot that a half-second before was darkened by the shade of his head and shoulders.

Her needle moved slowly and unaccustomedly but she had the air of doing the hemming bravely if fearfully. "Isn't it darling?" she said as she raised her head for a half-second, then immediately dropped her eyes and went on printing her stitches carefully. "What else was in that box, I feel I need to know?" she asked. "Let me see!

When I clean a gat, I generally have it in my left hand, and clean with my right," Ritter said. "Exactly. And why do you use an oily rag?" Rand inquired. Ritter looked at him blankly for a half-second, then grinned ruefully. "Damn, I never thought of that," he admitted. "Okay, he was bumped off, all right." "But you use oily rags on guns," Kathie objected. "I've seen both of you, often enough."

She had seen Ramona a half-second before Alessandro had; and dreaming no special harm, except a little confusion at being seen thus standing with him, for she would tell the Senorita all about it when matters had gone a little farther, had not let go of Alessandro's hand. But the next second she had seen in his face a look; oh, she would never forget it, never!

He held me gently for a half-second, and then with a sob which I felt rather than heard, he crushed me to him and stopped my breath with his lips on mine. I understood things then that I never had before, and I felt that wise guardian man-angel take his fingers from mine and leave me safe at last.