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"Pretty soon old Groppeltacker come in, shut the door, and sot down. 'So you brought my daughter back, says he. 'Yes, says I. 'And you expect to be paid for it, says he. 'Yes, says I, 'I do. 'How much do you ask for your services? says he.

'You came in, he said to the cop,'jest the second I rang, and as soft as a cat, and the first thing that I want you to do is to take that gold mouse out of his pocket, and I'll be on hand whenever you let me know I'm wanted. The cop he took the gold mouse out of my pocket, and says he, 'I know this fellow, and if I'm not mistook, they'll be more charges than yourn made ag'in him. There wasn't no chance to show fight, so I didn't do it, but I says to old Groppeltacker, 'There's my expenses, you've got to pay them, anyway. 'All right, says he, 'jist you send in your bill marked correct, by my daughter, and I'll settle it, and he laughed again, and the cop he took me off.

I'm not a fellow to be fooled with, and there's nobody in this house can stop me. Old Groppeltacker, he didn't turn a hair, but just sot there, and says he, 'Before you blow any more, suppose you take my little gold mouse out of your pocket and hand it to me. I must say I was took back at this, but I spoke back, as bold as brass, and said I never seed his gold mouse.

"Groppeltacker, now he set down ag'in and looked hard at me.

Groppeltacker, of Groppeltacker & Mintz, corset findings, seven hundred and something or other, I forget the number now, Broadway. Oh, Pop does a lot of business, I tell you, and he's got lots of money. He sends corset findings to South America, and Paris, and Chicago, and Madagascar, and the uttermost parts of the earth.

"Well," said Aunt Martha, "I don't approve of the Groppeltacker sort of people, but if there were more of that kind I believe there would be fewer of your kind. That story shows you in such a bad light that I believe it's true." "Every word of it," said the man. "I wish it wasn't." And now I spoke.

Old Groppeltacker he just leaned back and he laughed.

"Now, I begins to think to myself that perhaps there was somethin' in what that little Jew gal was sayin', and that I might make something out of the gal after all. I didn't count on gettin' a big pile out of old Groppeltacker, it wasn't likely he was that kind of a man, but whatever I did get would be clean profit, and I might as well try it on.