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"You never do except when you are wished to be silent; and then your tongue goes like any race horse." "Does it? Well, like Gilpin's, 'It carries weight: it rides a race, 'Tis for a thousand pound? and I only wish it were. Heigh ho! if I could but earn a thousand pounds!" Selina was too vexed to reply and for five quiet minutes Hilary bent over her Homer which Mr.

This idea she proceeded to carry out, with what initial success we have already seen. A week passed, and there were no tidings of Bathsheba; nor was there any explanation of her Gilpin's rig. Then a note came for Maryann, stating that the business which had called her mistress to Bath still detained her there; but that she hoped to return in the course of another week. Another week passed.

It is not a very attractive house, but is interesting because it was here that Johnny Gilpin and his worthy spouse should have dined when that day of sad disasters came which Cowper has chronicled in John Gilpin's famous ride. The old house has been much changed since then, and is shorn of its balcony, but it has capacious gardens, and is the resort to this day of London holiday-makers.

Leaving St. Pitt took them along Cheapside, one of the most crowded streets of the city. The amount of traffic is tremendous there, and it is said that sometimes teams are held eight hours in the alleys before they can get out. They noted Bow Church, and the site of John Gilpin's house at the corner of Paternoster Row. "Oh, is that the John Gilpin in Cowper's poem?" cried John, excitedly.

Slang reigns supreme; and John Gilpin's friend, who had a "ready wit," would here meet with his match. Toys, knocked off "the sticks" for the purpose, darken the air as they fly from one vehicle to another, and the broadside from a well-supplied coach is like that of a seventy-four. Fun and good-humour abound, but confusion gets worse confounded.