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Updated: August 21, 2024

Sometimes, as in the episode of Ugolino, it even rises to something like the grandeur of the original: "When he had said this, with his eyes distorted, The wretched skull resumed he with his teeth, Which, as a dog's, upon the bone were strong." "Quand' ebbe detto cio, eon gli occhi torti Riprese il teschio misero coi denti, Che furo all' osso, come d'un can, forti." Inferno, XXXIII. 76.

Twenty-four hours afterward, passing the mouths of the Atacoari or Cocha or rather the "furo," or canal, which communicates with the lake of Cabello-Cocha on the right bank she put in at the rising ground of the mission of Cocha.

There seemed a relief in the situation of which all, save perhaps Joam Garral, felt the gravity. On the evening of the same day they left on the right the island of Baroso, formed by a furo of that name, and Lake Manaori, which is fed by a confused series of petty tributaries. The night passed without incident, though Joam Garral had advised them to watch with great care.

The hour for action had arrived. Non si schifo di ardere una nobile donna Vedova, veterana, in una torre. Per tale crudeltade li Romani furo piu irati," &c. "I have dreamed a dream," cried Rienzi, leaping from his bed. "The lion-hearted Boniface, foe and victim of the Colonna, hath appeared to me, and promised victory. "O, Rienzi! today?" "Yes! hearken to the bell hearken to the trumpet.

"Allora la sua venuta fu a Roma sentita; Romani si apparecchiavano a riceverlo con letizia...furo fatti archi trionfali," &c. &c. "Vita di Cola di Rienzi", lib. ii. c. 17. "Then the fame of his coming was felt at Rome; the Romans made ready to receive him with gladness...triumphal arches were erected," &c., &c. "Life of Cola di Rienzi". All Rome was astir! from St.

'My head's a little bit heated ira furo brevis, and he sneered a solitary laugh, more like himself, and went out into his tiny hall, and opened the door, and stood on the step for air, enjoying the cold wind that played about his temples. Presently he heard the hollow clink of two pair of feet walking toward the village.

Olaff, whose relics reposed in its church. Here, he invested John, Bishop of Stavanger, with the Pallium; and subjected to his jurisdiction the sees of Apsloe, Bergen, and Stavanger, those of the small Norwegian colonies, of the Orcades, Hebrides, and Furo Isles, and that of Gaard in Greenland.

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