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CONRAD. Well, you have something better to teach her now, at all events. FRANKLYN. Yes: but it is too late. She doesn't trust me now. She doesn't talk about such things to me. She doesnt read anything I write. She never comes to hear me lecture. CONRAD. I must have a talk to her. FRANKLYN. Perhaps she will listen to you. You are not her father. CONRAD. I sent her my last book.

FRANKLYN. Brother: if that is so; if biology as you have worked at it, and religion as I have worked at it, are dry subjects like the old stuff they taught under these names, and we two are dry old codgers, like the old preachers and professors, then the Gospel of the Brothers Barnabas is a delusion. THE PARLOR MAID. Mr Joyce Burge on the telephone, sir. He wants to speak to you.

HASLAM. About our being able to live three hundred years? Frankly no. SAVVY. Oh, I don't know. I thought I was for a moment. I can believe, in a sort of way, that people might live for three hundred years. But when you came down to tin tacks, and said that the parlor maid might, then I saw how absurd it was. FRANKLYN. Just so. We had better hold our tongues about it, Con.

And you could not even hold them to their bargain; for they presently betrayed the secret and forced the coalition on you. BURGE. I solemnly declare that this is a false and monstrous accusation. FRANKLYN. Do you deny that the thing occurred? Were the uncontradicted reports false? Were the published letters forgeries? BURGE. Certainly not. But I did not do it. I was not Prime Minister then.

FRANKLYN. No: the soldiers and sailors won it, and left you to finish it. And you were so utterly incompetent that the multitudes of children slain by hunger in the first years of peace made us all wish we were at war again. CONRAD. It's no use arguing about it.

Greater power and greater knowledge: these are what we are all pursuing even at the risk of our lives and the sacrifice of our pleasures. Evolution is that pursuit and nothing else. It is the path to godhead. A man differs from a microbe only in being further on the path. LUBIN. And how soon do you expect this modest end to be reached? FRANKLYN. Never, thank God!

If this be deferred, necessity and the sword of the enemy make way for the others. Remember his majesty's admonition. * Franklyn, p. 230. Sanderson, p. 106. Walker, p. 339 * Rushworth, vol. i. p. 477. Franklyn, p. 233. Rushworth, vol. i. p. 479. Franklyn, p. 234

In all history, it would be difficult to find a reign less illustrious, yet more unspotted and unblemished, than that of James in both kingdoms. * Franklyn, p. 104. Rushworth, vol. i. p. 154. Dugdale, p. 24. Rushworth, vol. i. p. 155. No prince, so little enterprising and so inoffensive, was ever so much exposed to the opposite extremes of calumny and flattery, of satire and panegyric.

You accuse me of having sold the pass! FRANKLYN. When the terrible impact of real warfare swept your parliamentary sham warfare into the dustbin, you had to go behind the backs of your followers and make a secret agreement with the leaders of the Opposition to keep you in power on condition that you dropped all legislation of which they did not approve.

We find, by private letters between Philip IV. and the Condé Oliarez, shown by the latter to Buckingham, that the marriage and the restitution of the Palatinate were always considered by the court of Spain as inseparable. See Franklyn, p. 71, 72. Rushworth, vol. i. p. 71, 280, 299, 300. Parl. Hist. vol. vi. p. 66.