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It seems obvious that the corpora lutea in evolution were a consequence of intra-uterine gestation, for they occur only in association with this condition, and it is impossible to suppose that a mutation could arise accidentally by which the ruptured follicles should produce a secretion which would cause the fertilised ova to develop within the oviducts.

The body of the insect is rounded, with the two hind pair of feet rudimentary and bearing long hairs. It buries itself in the skin on the more protected parts of the body, and by its punctures maintains a constant irritation. Other species are known to infest the sheep and dog. Simon, of Berlin, buried in the diseased follicles of the wings of the nose in man.

These glands terminating in the hair follicles secrete an oily substance, which bathes and lubricates as well as nourishes the hair.

He is an almost harmless denizen of the surfaces of our bodies, particularly the mouths of the sweat-ducts, and the openings of the hair follicles.

The evolutionist, on the other hand, asks what was the origin of this corpora lutea, why should the ruptured ovarian follicles after the escape of the ova in Mammals undergo a progressive development and persist during the greater part of the whole of pregnancy?

While it is probable that a variable number of the immature ova undergo partial development before puberty, yet the advent of sexual maturity at that time marks the establishment of the regular development of the Graafian follicles and their contained ova, accompanied by the attendant phenomena of menstruation.

We must first shortly consider the manner of growth of hair without spending too much time on this part of the subject. Here we may see that the ground work, if we may so term it, is four-fold in structure. Other glands terminate under the skin in the hair follicles, which follicles or hair sockets contain or enclose the hair roots.

Deprived of adequate nutrition, the follicles can not keep growing hair, and the existing hair dies. However, the follicles themselves do not die and once the fast has ended and sufficient nutrition is forthcoming, hair will regrow as well or better than before. There are also complaints that occur after the fast has been broken.

Cartilage. A tough but flexible material forming a part of the joints, air passages, nostrils, ear; gristle, etc. The small, red, conical-shaped body at the inner angle of the eye, consisting of a cluster of follicles. The albuminoid substance of milk; it forms the basis of cheese. Catarrh. An inflammation of a mucous membrane, usually attended with an increased secretion of mucus.

The derma is composed of some muscular fibres interwoven with the connective-tissue fibres. It contains the roots of the hair follicles, sweat and oil glands. The external face which is covered by the epidermis shows a multitude of little elevations. These are the vascular and nervous papillae. In addition, it shows openings through which the hairs and the skin glands pass.