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Updated: August 16, 2024

It was Stevenson, was it not, who wrote of the satisfaction with which one always looks upon the east end of a French cathedral, "flanging out as it often does in sweeping terraces, and settling down broadly upon the earth as though it were meant to stay."

This flanging of the upper end or tail ensures the arrow spinning rapidly as it falls through the air, and at the same times preserves its vertical position during its descent. The weight of the arrow is two-thirds of an ounce. The method of launching this fearsome projectile is ingenious.

The Moodna Creek, that had almost ceased to flow in the drought, had become a tawny river, and rushed by them with a sullen roar, flanging over the tide was an old dead tree, on which was perched a fish-hawk. Even while they were looking at him, and Burt was wishing for his rifle, the bird swooped downward, plunged into the stream with a splash, and rose with a fish in his talons.

A pyramid with eight or ten sides would probably be better than the cone. A better flanging tool is made from a triangular piece of copper or brass, about 1/16 inch thick, and mounted in a suitable handle. It is well to have several sizes and shapes of these tools, for different sizes of tubing.

After the flange is complete, the end must be heated again to the softening temperature and cooled slowly, to prevent it from cracking. Some glass-blowers use a small carbon rod, about 3/16 inch in diameter, as a flanging tool for tubes larger than about 3/8 inch diameter, and a small iron wire or similar piece of metal for smaller tubes. For large heavy tubes a larger carbon would be used.

The horses put their heads down and plunged. The whole apparatus moved with a rush, men clinging, animals digging their hoofs in, snow flying. Suddenly there came a check, then a CRACK, and then the plow shot forward so suddenly and easily that the horses all but fell on their noses. The flanging arms of the V, forced in a place too narrow, had caught between heavy stubs.

Solid-drawn tubing is more expensive than welded tubing or an equivalent amount of sheet metal, but is considerably stronger than the best riveted tube. Boiler ends may be purchased ready turned to size. Get stampings rather than castings, as the first are more homogeneous, and therefore can be somewhat lighter. Flanging Boiler Ends.

In this way it is also easier to blow out a side tube with a sufficiently small diameter. If the diameter of this tube should be much greater than that of the small tube, the latter may be enlarged with a carbon or a flanging tool.

When flanging a tube, it is held and rotated with the left hand as above described, while the right hand holds the flanging tool. When part of the end of a tube must be heated, as in Exercise 6, and rotation must be very carefully performed and continued during the blowing, both hands are used.

=Flanging a Tube.= This operation produces the characteristic flange seen on test-tubes, necks of flasks, etc., the object being twofold: to finish the end neatly and to strengthen it so that a cork may be inserted without breaking it. This flanging may be done in several ways.

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