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Updated: August 17, 2024

My windows look down upon a stately edifice of stone erecting on Kildare Street for all sorts of educational and "exhibitional" purposes, with the help of an Imperial grant, I am told, and to be called the Leinster Hall.

Thousands of other sentiments are of course all the while, in different connections, at hand for us; but it is of the exquisite civility, the social instincts of the race, poetically expressed, that I speak; and it would be hard to overstate the felicity of his fellow-countrymen's being able just now to say: "Yes, this, with the imperfection of so many of our arrangements, with the persistence of so many of our mistakes, with the waste of so much of our effort and the weight of the many-coloured mantle of time that drags so redundantly about us, this natural accommodation of the English spirit, this frequent extraordinary beauty of the English aspect, this finest saturation of the English intelligence by its most immediate associations, tasting as they mainly do of the long past, this ideal image of English youth, in a word, at once radiant and reflective, are things that appeal to us as delightfully exhibitional beyond a doubt, yet as drawn, to the last fibre, from the very wealth of our own conscience and the very force of our own history.

How much attention has been given by art experts to the question of the best possible "exhibitional" surroundings nearer and more distant for this, that and the other, among the great pictures of Europe?

Let me add at any rate that some of them were exhibitional even to my tender years, I mean; since I respond even yet to my privilege of presence at some Commencement or Commemoration, such as might be natural, doubtless, to any "university," where, as under a high rich roof, before a Chancellor in a gown and amid serried admirers and impressive applause, there was "speaking," of the finest sort, and where above all I gathered in as a dazzling example the rare assurance of young Winthrop Somebody or Somebody Winthrop, who, though still in jackets, held us spellbound by his rendering of Serjeant Buzfuz's exposure of Mr.

I must personally have lived during this pale predicament almost only by seeing what I could, after my incorrigible ambulant fashion a practice that may well have made me pass for bringing home nothing in the least exhibitional rather than by pursuing the inquiries and interests that agitated, to whatever intensity, our on the whole widening little circle.

Fontaine, Gaspard, Vetillart, Ribert, MacAlister, and Waters record cases in which living caterpillars have been swallowed. Sundry Cases. The variety of foreign bodies that have been swallowed either accidentally or for exhibitional or suicidal purposes is enormous. Nearly every imaginable article from the minutest to the most incredible size has been reported.

The last act reduced too much, however, to mere exhibitional sensibility. The interesting thing to me was to observe the Italian conception of the part to see how crude it was, how little it expressed the hero's moral side, his depth, his dignity anything more than his being a creature terrible in mere tantrums.

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