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Updated: July 31, 2024

For she took it for the warning on the stroke of midnight. But old Phoebe said, with a strangely unfaltering voice: "No it is the change!" and the sob that broke the silence was not hers, but Ruth's. Old Mrs. Picture had just lived to complete her eighty-first year. There came a sound of wheels in the road without. Not the doctor, surely, at this time of night!

He was wounded at Jonesboro, but continued in service to the end of the war. Frederick Pope Anderson was first lieutenant in the One Hundred and Eighty-first Ohio Infantry. Larz Anderson, Jr., was a mere lad, but served without commission as volunteer aide-de-camp on the staff of Brigadier-General N. C. McLean.

It may be said to the discredit of this King, that the only reward he would grant the indefatigable Stowe, in his days of old age and want, was the royal permission to beg; but no one will blame him for neglecting such a quack as John Dee. He died in 1608, in the eighty-first year of his age, and was buried at Mortlake.

Colonel Tuttle, senior officer in the Second Division, by the death of W.H.L. Wallace and the wounding of McArthur, gathered the remaining regiments of his division, except the Fourteenth Missouri and the Eighty-first Ohio, added to them Colonel Crocker and three regiments of McClernand's First Brigade, and marched in reserve to Crittenden.

Goethe, when in his eighty-first year, declared that Goldsmith's novel "was his delight at the age of twenty, that it had in a manner formed a part of his education, influencing his tastes and feelings throughout life, and that he had recently read it again from beginning to end, with renewed delight, and with a grateful sense of the early benefit derived from it."

The Second Division comprised three brigades: the First, commanded by Colonel Tuttle, of the Second Iowa, contained the Second, Seventh, Twelfth, and Fourteenth Iowa; the Second, commanded by Brigadier-General McArthur, comprised the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Missouri, Ninth and Twelfth Illinois, and Eighty-first Ohio.

There is no Majesty and there is no Might save in Him, the Glorious, the Great!" And Shahrazad perceived the dawn of day and ceased saying her permitted say. When it was the Five Hundred and Eighty-first Night,

Besides this there is a quiet, pure, and cultivated life which produces a calm and gentle old age, such as we have been told Plato's was, who died at his writing-desk in his eighty-first year; or like that of Isocrates, who says that he wrote the book called The Panegyric in his ninety-fourth year, and who lived for five years afterwards; while his master Gorgias of Leontini completed a hundred and seven years without ever relaxing his diligence or giving up work.

On Dec. 27, 1865, William C. Rhinelander was presented with a grant of land under water from Ninety-first to Ninety-fourth street, East River. On March 21, 1867, Peter Goelet obtained from the Sinking Fund Commissioners a grant of land under water on the East River in front of land owned by him between Eighty-first street and Eighty-second street.

"It is a singular thing," the Queen wrote to Baron Stockmar, "that this so much wished-for boy should be born on the old Duke's eighty-first birthday. May that, and his beloved father's name, bring the poor little infant happiness and good fortune!"

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