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Meeting Marcus Gurney, the well-known musical critic of an influential paper, soon afterwards, he pressed upon him his spare ticket for the concert, and gave him to understand that it would be a really good-natured thing if he could turn in at Ebury's Rooms between three and four, and write something for the Scourge that would not injure that very promising débutante, Miss West.

Bring your notes to me, and I will select such fragments of the broken commandments as suit my purpose, which is, as always, the edifying of the human race. Only this time I mean to purge it as by fire." "That corner house in Park Lane, next to the Duke of Ebury's, would suit us very well," said Mr. Greyne reflectively. "We could sell our lease here at an advance," his wife rejoined.

The man himself in manner and in appearance was in perfect keeping with these attractive qualities. While speaking of Moor Park and its kind owner I may avail myself of this opportunity to mention an early reminiscence of Lord Ebury's concerning the Grosvenor estate in London. Mr.

When last heard of he was seated in the magnificent library of the corner house in Park Lane next to the Duke of Ebury's, busily engaged in pasting the newspaper notices of Mrs. Greyne's greatest work into a superb new album.

She even began to wish that she had crossed the sea in person, and herself boldly set about the ingathering of the material for which she was so impatiently waiting. Her uneasiness was brought to a head by a letter from a house agent, stating that the corner mansion in Park Lane next to the Duke of Ebury's was being nibbled at by a Venezuelan millionaire.

He was in earnest; and it did not seem hard to him that in trying to secure her happiness he had perhaps lost his own. "A Grand Morning Concert will be given on Thursday, June 25th, at Ebury's Rooms, by the pupils of Madame della Scala. By kind permission of Mr. Mapleson, the following artistes will appear."

Upon the table of Mademoiselle Verbena lay the diary, open at the following entry: On Thursday next poor Eustace will be on board the Général Bertrand, sailing for Algiers. I shall be here thinking of myself, and of him in relation to myself. God help us both. Duty is sometimes stern. Mem. The corner house in Park Lane, next the Duke of Ebury's, has sixty years still to run; the lease, that is.