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But they hoped in the future, and looked forward to Duroc's return, and to the precious recompense that Bonaparte had significantly promised to his friend.

The recollection of Duroc's successful mission to Berlin during the Consulate induced Napoleon to believe that that general might appease the King of Prussia, who complained seriously of the violation of the territory of Anspach, which hernadotte, in consequence of the orders he received, had not been able to respect. Duroc remained about six weeks in Berlin.

Citizen First Consul, I know not what this means! I am utterly ignorant of the matter. I solemnly declare to you that this charge is a most infamous calumny. It is one more to be added to the number of those malicious charges which have been invented for the purpose of destroying any influence I might possess with you. I am in General Duroc's apartment, where I await your orders.

We shall all fall victims to it! are the disgraceful expressions uttered by many, for the iron hearts of the warriors of France are rust-grown." Napoleon exclaimed after the battle, "How! no result after such a massacre? No prisoners? They leave me not even a nail!" Duroc's death added to the catastrophe. And yet there were thirty thousand French in the city.

Now, since last Christmas ninety-six German and seventy-one Italian authors have inscribed their works to His Majesty, and been rewarded for it; while during the same period only sixty-six Frenchmen have presented their offerings to their Sovereign." For my part I think Duroc's conclusion tolerably just.

Ukase of the Emperor of Russia Duroc's mission to Weimar Napoleon's views defeated Triumphs of the French armies Letters from Murat False report respecting Murat Resemblance between Moreau and M. Billand Generous conduct of Napoleon His interview with Madame Hatzfeld at Berlin Letter from Bonaparte to Josephine Blucher my prisoner His character His confidence in the future fate of Germany Prince Paul of Wurtemberg taken prisoner His wish to enter the French service Distinguished emigrants at Altona Deputation of the Senate to the Emperor at Berlin The German Princes at Altona Fauche-Boiel and the Comte de Gimel.

My functions at Hamburg The King of Sweden at Stralsund My bulletin describing the situation of the Russian armies Duroc's recall from Berlin General Dumouriez Recruiting of the English in Hanover The daughter of M. de Marbeof and Napoleon Treachery of the King of Naples The Sun of Austerlitz Prince Dolgiorouki Rapp's account of the battle of Austerlitz Gerard's picture Eugene's marriage.

As soon as Duroc had made me acquainted with the business which the First Consul had directed him to communicate, I wrote on the spot the subjoined letter to Bonaparte: At General Duroc's desire I have this moment waited upon him, and he informs me that you have received notice that a deficit of 100,000 francs has been discovered in the Treasury of the Navy, which you require me to refund this day at noon.

In October the loss of the battle of Leipsic decided the fate of France. The Saxon army, which had long remained faithful to us, went over to the enemy during the battle. Prince Poniatowski perished at the battle of Leipsic in an attempt to pass the Aster. I will here mention a fact which occurred before Duroc's departure for the campaign of 1812.

"Citizen Barere will every week draw up a report on the state of public opinion on the proceedings of the government, and generally on everything which, in his judgment, it will be interesting to the First Consul to learn. "He may write with perfect freedom. "He will deliver his reports under seal into General Duroc's own hand, and General Duroc will deliver them to the First Consul.