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As soon as Duroc had made me acquainted with the business which the First Consul had directed him to communicate, I wrote on the spot the subjoined letter to Bonaparte: At General Duroc's desire I have this moment waited upon him, and he informs me that you have received notice that a deficit of 100,000 francs has been discovered in the Treasury of the Navy, which you require me to refund this day at noon.

Bonaparte enters the Military College of Paris He urges me to embrace the military profession His report on the state of the Military School of Paris He obtains a commission I set off for Vienna Return to Paris, where I again meet Bonaparte His singular plans for raising money Louis XVI, with the red cap on his head The 10th of August My departure for Stuttgart Bonaparte goes to Corsica My name inscribed on the list of emigrants Bonaparte at the siege of Toulon Le Souper de Beaucaire Napoleon's mission to Genoa His arrest His autographical justification Duroc's first connection with Bonaparte.

Duroc's answer satisfied me that he at least had no doubt on the subject. "Besides," added he, "when such a general as Moreau has been between two gendarmes he is lost, and is good for nothing more. He will only inspire pity."

The First Consul probably paid this compliment to Duroc in the belief that the marriage would take place. During Duroc's absence the correspondence of the lovers passed, by their consent, through my hands. Every night I used to make one in a party at billiards, at which Hortense played very well.

All to no purpose. She said in breathless whispers that she didn't mean to be disobedient, she didn't want to refuse to answer, but she could not, could not tell anything about the jewels. She confessed that Miss Drayton and Mrs. Patterson did not know that she had them. "She must answer." Miss Morris's voice was rougher than it had ever been in Mademoiselle Duroc's presence.

Citizen Fesch created Cardinal Fesch Arts and industry Exhibition in the Louvre Aspect of Paris in 1802 The Medicean Venus and the Velletrian Pallas Signs of general prosperity Rise of the funds Irresponsible Ministers The Bourbons The military Government Annoying familiarity of Lannes Plan laid for his disgrace Indignation of Lannes His embassy to Portugal The delayed despatch Bonaparte's rage I resign my situation Duroc I breakfast with Bonaparte Duroc's intercession Temporary reconciliation.

Duroc's letter was dated the 13th November, and the words, "We are in Vienna," seemed to me the result of a dream.

Citizen Fesch created Cardinal Fesch Arts and industry Exhibition in the Louvre Aspect of Paris in 1802 The Medicean Venus and the Velletrian Pallas Signs of general prosperity Rise of the funds Irresponsible Ministers The Bourbons The military Government Annoying familiarity of Lannes Plan laid for his disgrace Indignation of Lannes His embassy to Portugal The delayed despatch Bonaparte's rage I resign my situation Duroc I breakfast with Bonaparte Duroc's intercession Temporary reconciliation.

It is said here that Duroc's journey to Berlin was merely to demand a passage for the French troops through the Prussian territory in Franconia, and to prevent the Russian troops from passing through the Prussian territory in Poland. This request is such as might have been expected from our Emperor and his Minister.

At the Tuileries the same conduct was pursued, but then the probability of success was on Duroc's side; I even congratulated him on his prospects, but he received my compliments in a very cold manner. In a few days after Josephine succeeded in changing the whole face of affairs.