United States or Panama ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

The next day a serious accident happened to Lieutenant Edwardes. His pistol exploded as he was putting it into his belt, and the ball passing through his right hand, deprived him for ever of the use of it. His sufferings were great till the arrival of Dr Cole, a young and excellent English surgeon, who won the affection of all the wounded natives he attended.

And thus it was that President Steyn was only able to be present on two occasions at our meetings; for, on the 29th of May before the National Representatives had come to any decision he went with Dr. Van der Merwe to Krugersdorp.

To keep his shillings safe, he must have acquired the habit of saving, which it was the object of savings banks to train and establish. Dr. Guthrie, in his book on Ragged Schools, published in 1860, said: "How are our manufacturing and handicraft youth situated?

I did not think that there had been so much in you, either of application or capacity; you have now learnt all that is necessary, if my friend Dr. B -’s opinion was sterling, as I have no doubt it was. You are still a child, however, and must yet go to school, in order that you may be kept out of evil company.

It was addressed to Dr. Herbert Farr at Vancouver, and was merely a formal notice from a firm of English solicitors post-marked London a well-known firm, probably, from the address on their letterhead. "Dr. Herbert Farr, Vancouver, B. C. Dear Sir: As executors in the estate of Mrs.

And it was easy to determine by his voice that by "them" he meant Viola. "Must we tell?" he repeated. "I must do my duty as a physician both to the public and to the family," said Dr. Lambert, and he straightened up as though ready to assume the burden he knew would fall heavily on his shoulders. "I must also think of Viola. I feel like another father to her now.

At the time of her marriage she hardly knew what his full name was. She had always heard him called "the doctor" or "Dr.

Charlie I must admit I have to call up some times for reproof: Guy, never. Charlie's in the fifth form: Guy's seventh in the fourth. A capital place for a boy of his age! He's very industrious, you know what we call a plodder. They call it a plodder, you see, at thirteen, Mr. Blenkinsopp, but a man of ability at forty. Dr.

Of Dr Crofts, who was the new comer, she had sometimes spoken to her lover, but she had never coupled her sister's name with that of the doctor, even in speaking to him.

In the fossil fauna of the valley of the Thames, Rhinoceros leptorhinus was mentioned as occurring at Gray's Thurrock with Elephas antiquus. Dr.