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"Splendid. I haven't had any dinner, I had breakfast so late, so we'll make up for it now." "An' where are yer goin', if it's a fair question?" asked his companion. "Well, I don't know that I ought to say. Still, I wasn't told to keep it quiet, so I suppose it doesn't matter. It seems old Arabi has retired to Kafr Dowar and is going to make a stand there. We're going to gather information.

Let others call thee Alaeddin the Great; To me and mine thou'rt Alaeddin the Good And Great." With that, he kissed the good King's hand; And making merry, to the Sheik's dowar They rode. And thus from nothing came the small; And now the lonely vale which erst ye knew, And scorned, because it nursed the mountain's feet, Doth cradle mornings on the mountain's top. Mishallah!

The camp was gradually left behind in the distance, and long ere night set in, Alexandria, with its domes and spires, was lost in the haze of the evening, and the bare, level, open country surrounded them on all sides. Their road lay in the direction of Kafr Dowar, distant about twenty miles to the south-east.

And it suited his pride to think of a new kingdom broader of domain, richer in power, and of a more unapproachable splendor than the old one; of a new king wiser and mightier than Solomon a new king under whom, especially, he could find both service and revenge. In that mood he resumed to the dowar.

He was, in fact, started home; his tents were all folded; the dowar was no more; in twelve hours all would be out of reach, pursue who might. A man is never safer than when he is under the laugh; and the shrewd old Arab knew it.

"The horse is good, he will travel fast," he went on, with a glance of admiration at the animal. For a moment Helmar was thrown off his guard. "Yes, and it will take Arabi all his time to catch him, if we should come across him." "Then you go to Kafr Dowar," said the man, with a grin.

The train sped past countless small villages, with their miniature dwellings around which gambolled little black, naked Egyptians, whose life apparently was a frolicsome pleasure. The larger towns, such as Kafr Dowar, Damanhour, Tarrâneh, El Wardan, with their monuments and minarets, presented the aspect of busy cities.

Rumour had it that Arabi at Kafr Dowar was preparing to attack the town, and in consequence the authorities prepared to receive him. A large number of soldiers, blue-jackets, and marines with Gatling guns were landed, and the resources of the town were taxed to the utmost. Night and day the work of fortification went on, and guns were mounted at many points on the southern parts of the town.