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He combed his beard, and smiled with satisfaction as he muttered, "He is not a Roman, no, by the splendor of God!" He followed on foot, the entire tenantry of the dowar men, women, and children pouring after him, participants all in his solicitude, if not in his confidence.

To be sure, his property of whatever kind was in no danger at the Orchard; yet as the habits of a man go with him to town not less than the country, and as it is never wise to slip the bands of discipline, the interior of the dowar was devoted to his cows, camels, goats, and such property in general as might tempt a lion or a thief.

Helmar knew by the pace of the journey that he could not be far from Kafr Dowar, but he had never heard that it was on a hill, and besides, the railway passed through it.

"He is of the East somewhere." "Egypt would suit him better than Syria." "Hardly," Ben-Hur replied. "Cleopatra is dead." That instant the lamps burning before the door of the tent came into view. "The dowar!" she cried. "Ah, then, we have not been to Egypt. I have not seen Karnak or Philae or Abydos. This is not the Nile. I have but heard a song of India, and been boating in a dream."

Anyway, if he has, I expect he still has a large force there." A flanking party was then sent out to the east. The main body, consisting of six men, were to continue the road direct for Kafr Dowar, while Captain Forsyth himself, a trooper named Brian, and George took the western flank.

"I will send you my colors." With that they separated. Ilderim returned to the dowar next day about the third hour. As he dismounted, a man whom he recognized as of his own tribe came to him and said, "O sheik, I was bidden give thee this package, with request that thou read it at once. If there be answer, I was to wait thy pleasure." Ilderim gave the package immediate attention.

"And passing out, he slew the horse, and kindled a fire; then, while the stranger and her children were sharing piece by piece with his own, 'Shame, shame! he said, 'that ye alone should eat; and going through the dowar, he brought the neighbors together, and he only went hungry. There was no more of the meat left. Was ever one merciful like Hatim? In combat, he gave lives, but took none.

To a man of his energy and brains, this soon became simply intolerable, and he quickly determined to find other and more exciting means of occupying his time. Directly British forces landed from the ironclads, Arabi and his soldiery abandoned the city and took up their position at Kafr Dowar, a few miles to the south.

Ilderim, standing in his place, broke the sealing of the package delivered to him, and from a wrapping of fine linen took two letters, which he proceeded to read. "Simonides to Sheik Ilderim. "O friend! "Assure thyself first of a place in my inner heart. "Then "There is in thy dowar a youth of fair presence, calling himself the son of Arrius; and such he is by adoption. "He is very dear to me.

The animal looked all fire and mettle, and as George cast his eye over it, he registered a mental vow to thank the officer for his generosity. "You go to Kafr Dowar?" asked the nigger, as he held the horse for George to saddle him. "What's it to do with you where I'm going?" he asked sharply. "Mind your own business."