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B. CONGESTIFLORA, from Chili, is not yet well-known, but promises to become a general favourite with lovers of hardy shrubs. It is of unusual appearance for a Barberry, with long, decumbent branches, which are thickly covered with masses of orange-yellow flowers. The branch-tips, being almost leafless and smothered with flowers, impart to the plant a striking, but distinctly ornamental appearance.

From this hypothesis he reasons that atmospheric and oceanic masses are moved along with the decumbent nucleus with a velocity decreasing from the equator to the poles; and if the least retardation operates on the atmospheric and oceanic waters, a counter-current will be formed, flowing with the greatest rapidity where the retardation is greatest.

However, Lienaux and Zwanenpoete state that fracture of the neck of the femur is of frequent occurrence in Belgian colts. In this case the mule was found decumbent on a concrete floor. After three weeks, the subject was destroyed and autopsy revealed rupture of the left pubiofemoral ligament, tearing with it a portion of the articular surface of the femur.

Moreover, the Torreya of Florida is associated with a yew; and the trees of this grove are the only yew-trees of Eastern North America; for the yew of our Northern woods is a decumbent shrub. A yew-tree, perhaps the same, is found with Taxodium in the temperate parts of Mexico.

Clandestine Marriage. This species of Fern is a native of China, with a decumbent root, thick, and every where covered with the most soft and dense wool, intensely yellow. Lin. Spec. Plant.

It is one of the genus Polypodium; root decumbent, thickly clothed with a very soft close hoal, of a deep yellow colour. It is also called by the Tartars "Barometz," and a Chinese nickname is "Rufous dog." Mr. Bell, in his "Journey to Ispahan," thus describes a specimen which he saw: "It seemed to be made by art to imitate a lamb.

Opium after venesection. Practice of Sydenham in chlorosis. 7. Prevent unnecessary expenditure of sensorial power. Decumbent posture, silence, darkness. Pulse quickened by rising out of bed. 8. To the greatest degree of quiescence apply the least stimulus. Otherwise paralysis or inflammation of the organ ensues. Gin, wine, blisters, destroy by too great stimulation in fevers with debility.

The stems of the mature plant are short and usually more or less decumbent with irregular branches. The flower-buds are peculiarly stout and barrel-shaped, with a protrusion on one side. The seed-capsules are short and thick, containing relatively few seeds, and the pollen is wholly or almost wholly sterile.

For one of them, in fact, it was positively his thirtieth birthday; poor soul, how decrepitly he flitted in front of motor trucks. As for the other, he was far decumbent in years, quite of a previous generation, a perfect Rameses, whose senile face was wont to crack into wrinklish mirth when his palsied cronies called him the greatest poet born on February 2, 1886.

Hence in fevers with debility, a decumbent posture is preferred, with silence, little light, and such a quantity of heat as may prevent any chill sensation, or any coldness of the extremities. The pulse of patients in fevers with debility increases in frequency above ten pulsations in a minute on their rising out of bed.