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An attendant almost instantly appeared, to whom the Governor said peremptorily: "Find Senor Montalvo, and say that I desire his immediate presence in this room." Some five minutes later a smart, dapper-looking young Spaniard entered and, bowing low, requested to know his Excellency's pleasure.

"Whose body is in that hearse?" said I to a dapper-looking individual seemingly a shopkeeper, who stood beside me on the pavement, looking at the procession. "The mortal relics of Lord Byron," said the dapper-looking individual, mouthing his words and smirking, "the illustrious poet, which have been just brought from Greece, and are being conveyed to the family vault in -shire."

"Bring the gentleman in here," ordered Jack; and a minute later the waiter re-appeared, conducting a dapper-looking, clean-shaven man of medium height, attired in a suit of blue serge, the double-breasted jacket of which he wore buttoned tight to his body.

‘Whose body is in that hearse?’ said I to a dapper-looking individual, seemingly a shopkeeper, who stood beside me on the pavement, looking at the procession. ‘The mortal relics of Lord Byron,’ said the dapper-looking individual, mouthing his words and smirking‘the illustrious poet, which have been just brought from Greece, and are being conveyed to the family vault in -shire.’

The official had returned with a dapper-looking gentleman in a frock-coat and silk hat, bearing upon him the unmistakable stamp of the city man, who inspected Rathbury with deliberation and Spargo with a glance, and being seated turned to the detective as undoubtedly the person he desired to converse with. "I understand that you are the officer in charge of the Marbury murder case," he observed.

He was still engaged in this pursuit at the time of Gordon's appearance on the scene, and the force at his disposal was thus described by that officer: "Smart, dapper-looking fellows, like antelopes, fierce, unsparing, the terror of Central Africa, having a prestige far beyond that of the Government these are the slave-dealers' tools," and afterwards they no doubt became the main phalanx of the Mahdi's military system.

"I don't know who he is I'm such a newcomer in the neighborhood, you know; but I happened to see him from my window across the way a short, dapper-looking young chap with a small, dark mustache." "Oh! that man." Her lip curled disdainfully. "That's Charley Pennold. He's no friend of mine. He just comes to see Father now and again on business. I don't bother to talk to him.

Randall, with his meaningless face and dapper-looking form insignificant in all save the reputation of being the wealthiest banker in Wall-street, and possessing the most elegant house and furniture, the best appointed equipage, and the handsomest wife in the city stood beside Philip Oswald with " a form indeed Where every god did seem to set his seal, To give the world assurance of a man,"

And, indeed, the sun, which for many days past had hidden its face in clouds, shone out that morn with wonderful brilliancy, flaming upon the black hearse and its tall ostrich plumes, the mourning coaches, and the long train of aristocratic carriages which followed behind. ‘Great poet, sir,’ said the dapper-looking man, ‘great poet, but unhappy.’

"I am," replied Colonel Crinkle, a dapper-looking Nome, as he stepped forward to salute his monarch. The King looked at him carefully and said: "I want you to march this army through an underground tunnel, which I am going to bore, to the Emerald City of Oz.