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Conversation of the marechale de Mirepoix with the comtesse du Barry on court friendship Intrigues of madame de Bearn Preconcerted meeting with madame de Flaracourt -Rage of madame de Bearn Portrait and conversation of madame de Flaracourt with the comtesse du Barry Insult from the princesse de Guemenee Her banishment Explanation of the king and the duc de Choiseul relative to madame du Barry The comtesse d'Egmont

"The many proofs of tender attachment with which the widow Rossin honored young Moireau make me believe that she will learn with pleasure of my having the good fortune to rescue the ill-fated youth from the cruelty of the comtesse d'Egmont.

He came to finish his education in Paris, where he acquired excellent manners in the society of Madame d'Egmont, Count Horn, the Prince of Aremberg, the Spanish ambassador, Helvetius, and other Frenchmen originally from Belgium, or coming lately thence, whose birth or wealth won them admittance among the great seigneurs who at that time gave the tone to social life.

"Really, monsieur, I was not prepared for a reproach of this kind; and what can madame d'Egmont allege against me? 'Tis she who has pursued me with the most bitter sarcasms, the most determined malice; and, I may add, the most impertinent behavior. I entreat your pardon for using such strong expressions, but her behavior allows of none milder.

Moireau did not disappoint me; and so soon as his letter reached me I hastened to copy it, merely suppressing the date of the place from which it was written, and forwarded it immediately to the comtesse d'Egmont, with the following note:

I had communicated to no one the secret of this vengeance; I wished to keep the delight of thus exciting the rage of the princesse d'Egmont all to myself.

In which hope I now commend myself to the mercy of God. "From Brussels, "Ready to die, this 5th June, 1568, "Your Majesty's very humble and loyal vassal and servant, "LAMORAL D'EGMONT."

At those functions, such celebrities as the Comtesses d'Egmont and de Brionne, the Marquise de Duras, and the Prince de Rohan were frequent guests. Mme. Geoffrin was shrewd and tactful enough to avoid politics and not to permit discussions of a political nature at her salonprecautions which she observed to keep the government from interfering with her fortune and mode of living.

I procured the king's protection for the miserable object of the princess's affection; I obtained his safe removal to another country; and, having done all this, I communicated my knowledge of the transaction to the comtesse d'Egmont. Does this bear any comparison with her line of conduct towards me?" "But your letter, madame; your letter "

"What would you have me do?" said Louis; "how can I interfere without compromising the reputation of madame d'Egmont?" "Allow me to say," replied I, "that this fear ought not to prevent your majesty's interference.