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'Well, well! Wait till to-morrow, said the lawyer, kindly. 'To-morrow can't bring back' the dead to life, Mister, said Clemency, sobbing. 'No. It can't do that, or it would bring back Mr. Craggs, deceased, returned the lawyer. 'But it may bring some soothing circumstances; it may bring some comfort. Wait till to-morrow!

They could not demand restitution of the dead, nor impose fines upon him." Rotherby shook his head. "Believe not that, madam," said he. "They can demand restitution of his heirs and impose their fines upon the estate. 'Twas done in the case of Chancellor Craggs, though he shot himself." She raised a haggard face to his. "And do you dream that Lord Carteret would make terms with you?"

'Our friend the Doctor makes light of such things, said Mr. Snitchey, shaking his head. 'I hope he mayn't stand in need of his philosophy. Our friend Alfred talks of the battle of life, he shook his head again, 'I hope he mayn't be cut down early in the day. Have you got your hat, Mr. Craggs? I am going to put the other candle out. Mr. Craggs replying in the affirmative, Mr.

'He's he's there's a little matter of business that keeps my partner rather late, said Mr. Craggs, looking uneasily about him. 'Oh-h! Business. Don't tell me! said Mrs. Snitchey. 'WE know what business means, said Mrs. Craggs. But their not knowing what it meant, was perhaps the reason why Mrs.

The treaty of the triple alliance brought the negotiator before long a more solid advantage; he was appointed secretary of state for foreign affairs; it was on this occasion that he wrote to Mr. Craggs, King George's minister, a letter worthy of his character, and which contributed a great deal towards gaining credit for the notion that he had sold himself to England.

Was it possible, she said, that Craggs could so blind himself to his Snitcheys, as not to feel his true position? Did he mean to say that he had seen his Snitcheys come into that room, and didn't plainly see that there was reservation, cunning, treachery, in the man?

'Did you ever go to law? asked Mr. Snitchey, looking out of the blue bag. 'Never, returned the Doctor. 'If you ever do, said Mr. Snitchey, 'perhaps you'll alter that opinion. Craggs, who seemed to be represented by Snitchey, and to be conscious of little or no separate existence or personal individuality, offered a remark of his own in this place.

Henceforth the star of my destiny is, Marion! 'Take care of the stairs, sir, replied Snitchey; 'for she don't shine there. Good night! 'Good night! So they both stood at the stair-head with a pair of office-candles, watching him down. When he had gone away, they stood looking at each other. 'What do you think of all this, Mr. Craggs? said Snitchey. Mr. Craggs shook his head.

Some servant must always be trusted in affairs of that kind and James Craggs had the good fortune to be chose for that purpose. She found him both faithful and discreet, and he was soon advanced to the dignity of valet-de-chambre. "King James II had an amour with her after he was upon the throne, and respected the Queen enough to endeavour to keep it entirely from her knowledge.

Not alone; but, with a man of about thirty, or that time of life, negligently dressed, and somewhat haggard in the face, but well- made, well-attired, and well-looking, who sat in the armchair of state, with one hand in his breast, and the other in his dishevelled hair, pondering moodily. Messrs. Snitchey and Craggs sat opposite each other at a neighbouring desk.