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He had been sensitive to that charge, because of the strain of truth in it, and yet had seen no means of counteracting it. Very well; he should counteract it now. Since there was no way out of the situation he had found in America that is, no way consistent with self-respect it was characteristic of him, both as diplomatist and master of tactics, to review what was still in his favor.

At the time to which I refer, in 1810, the "Orders in Council" of England, and the "Berlin and Milan Decrees" of Napoleon, were in force. As a counteracting stroke of policy, the Non-intercourse Act, to which I have already alluded, was passed by our government, and the neutral port of St. Bartholomew suddenly became a place of immense importance.

Tulrumble clearly demonstrated to be occasioned by his not having a counteracting weight of brass on his legs. ‘Now, wear that with grace and propriety on Monday next,’ said Tulrumble, ‘and I’ll make your fortune.’ ‘I’ll try what I can do, sir,’ said Twigger. ‘It must be kept a profound secret,’ said Tulrumble. ‘Of course, sir,’ replied Twigger.

For the latter, especially, from the very nature of their employments, and their necessary trains of thought, are inevitably acquiring habits of accumulation; and, unless counteracting habits of benevolence are also acquired, their desires of gain will assume the tyrant, and the Divine curse, threatened against the covetous, will rest upon them forever.

Was he the agent of others or had he some sinister design of his own? What interest could he have in persecuting the Baskerville family? I thought of the strange warning clipped out of the leading article of the Times. Was that his work or was it possibly the doing of someone who was bent upon counteracting his schemes?

Your conscience and your heart have given you true light on this point, Miss Tulliver; and I have said all this that you may know what my wish about you what my advice to you would be, if they sprang from my own feeling and opinion unmodified by counteracting circumstances." Dr. Kenn paused a little while.

But in order that any alleged fact should be contradictory to a law of causation, the allegation must be, not simply that the cause existed without being followed by the effect, for that would be no uncommon occurrence; but that this happened in the absence of any adequate counteracting cause. Now in the case of an alleged miracle, the assertion is the exact opposite of this.

This structure of exceeding tenuity and nimbleness was the source of the motion characteristic of living creatures, and provided that elastic counteracting force to the inward-pressing nimble air, whereby were produced the phenomena of respiration.

Thus, in our former example, the law that the contact of an object causes a change in the state of the nerve, is more general than the law that contact with an object causes sensation, since, for aught we know, the change in the nerve may equally take place when, from a counteracting cause, as for instance, strong mental excitement, the sensation does not follow; as in a battle, where wounds are often received without any consciousness of receiving them.

Consequently, if a person have grafted on to them a piece of skin or flesh, or be inoculated with the blood or veins of a tiger then that person not merely becomes liable to all the physical infirmities of the tiger, but may if the counteracting influences are not sufficiently strong partake of all the tiger's psychological characteristics.