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They do not pretend that mankind have absolutely no range of choice as to the government they will live under, or that a consideration of the consequences which flow from different forms of polity is no element at all in deciding which of them should be preferred.

Bewildered beyond measure in his reflection, yet secure in the conviction that he had by this desperate step saved the life of a human being from the dagger of the assassin, the only object of Gerald now was to secure himself from the consequences. Springing from his position he was soon at the side of the startled Sambo, who had witnessed his last act with inconceivable dismay.

I'm afoot eating and drinking where and what I can get, sleeping where I may. It wouldn't be easy for a girl." "I'm not made of tender stuff " she broke off and turned toward him with an impulsive gesture. "If you don't want me," she cried, "tell me so. I'll believe you and go." "No," he muttered. "I won't tell you that. But have you thought of the consequences? Of what people will think?"

But in case they should fail in this, they intended to cripple the movements of the relieving squadron, by blocking the entrances to the bay. This precaution, however, was never carried out; and the Spartans, as if blinded by fate, adopted another measure, which led to fatal consequences for themselves.

The Prince of Orange expressed the same uncompromising hostility to the inquisition which he had always manifested, but observed that the commands of the King were so precise and absolute, as to leave no possibility of discussing that point. There was nothing to be done, he said, but to obey, but he washed his hands of the fatal consequences which he foresaw.

I have no doubt but their fallacy would have been detected in the sequel, and my scheme have been productive of nothing but confusion and remorse. From these consequences, however, my fate interposed, as in the former instance, to save me. Having formed my resolution, many preliminaries to its execution were necessary to be settled.

But the 'return, which is promised on condition of their renewed obedience, can scarcely be identified with the coming just foretold. That coming was to bring about offerings of righteousness which should be pleasant to the Lord. If the two sections of this passage are taken as closely connected, this one must describe the consequences of the coming.

I came down to Scotland with the sole purpose of rescuing you from the gulf into which you have precipitated yourself; nor can I estimate the consequences to your family of your having openly joined the rebellion, since the very suspicion of your intention was so perilous to them. Most deeply do I regret that I did not meet you before this last and fatal error.

As she was one of the greatest Beauties of the Age, Eginhart answer'd her with a more than equal Return of Passion. They stifled their Flames for some Time, under Apprehension of the fatal Consequences that might ensue.

Blood-councillor Hessels, whose letter genuine or counterfeited had been so instrumental in hastening this outbreak, was most carefully guarded, and to him and to Senator Fisch the personal consequences of that night's work were to be very tragic. Thus audaciously, successfully, and hitherto without bloodshed, was the anti-Catholic revolution commenced in Flanders.