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Updated: August 10, 2024

"Do you remain here long?" he added. "If the Warden's hospitality holds out," said the American, "I shall be glad; for the place interests me greatly." "No wonder," replied Colcord. "And wherefore no wonder?" said Redclyffe, impressed with the idea that there was something peculiar in the tone of the old man's remark.

"I will talk with the children," said Colcord, "and see if I am likely to do good with them. The lad, I see, has a singular spirit of aspiration and pride, no ungentle pride, but still hard to cope with. I will see. The little girl is a most comfortable child." "You have read the boy as if you had his heart in your hand," said the Doctor, rather surprised.

By the side of it they saw, with more curiosity than repugnance, a few fragments of crumbly bones, which they plausibly conjectured to have appertained to some part of the framework of the ancient Colcord, wherewith he had walked through the troublous life of which his gravestone spoke.

May your noble society succeed in confining this torrent of evil in a narrower growing bed, and to deliver mankind from a curse which cannot be too much contended with. Pharm. By J.W. COLCORD.

Simec's colorless delivered question came as from afar. Colcord had arisen and was staring at the inventor with the face of one exalted. "If you have what you say you have, Simec, you meet my condition to the letter. At the very least, it will be a most important asset to the cause of my country.

Colcord points out, we have come at last to the parting of the ways. I have undertaken to examine the short stories published in American magazines during 1914 and 1915 and to report upon my findings. As the most adequate means to this end, I have taken each short story by itself, and examined it impartially.

"Yes," she murmured, "I don't know a man who has impressed me as so thoroughly enjoying life as you, Nick " Colcord stared at her a moment. "Well, I do," he replied at length.

They've been saying it would all come home to us. But I didn't think so quickly nor to us. I I wasn't ready. I am now. I want to help; I I " Her fingers clutched his shoulders convulsively. "When when do you go?" Colcord stood a moment, his eyes smouldering upon her. "To-morrow morning at seven," he replied. "That was the hour, Professor Simec?" he added with a side-wise inclination of his head.

"An old cobwebby library, an old dwelling by a graveyard, an old Doctor, busied with his own fantasies, and entangled in his own cobwebs, and a little girl for a playmate: these were things that you might lawfully avail yourself of," said Colcord, unheard by the Warden, who, thinking the conversation had lasted long enough, had paid a slight passing courtesy to the old man, and was now leaving the room.

That was all; and it would have been unreasonable in old Colcord especially in these republican times to have wanted to keep his grave any longer, when there was so little of him left." "I must drop the matter here, then," said Hammond, with a sigh. "Here, my friend, is a trifle for your trouble."

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