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One more waking interval he had that day, and again essayed to enter into conversation with the old man, who had thus strangely again become connected with his life, after having so long vanished from his path. "Where am I?" asked Edward Redclyffe. "In the home of misfortune," said Colcord. "Ah! then I have a right to be here!" said he. "I was born in such a home. Do you remember it?"

J.C. Colcord in The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, May, 1918, p. 97. As in all other problems faced by the case worker, it is impossible to lay down general rules for the treatment of desertion. There may be general considerations, however, which it is well to keep in mind, some of which have been advanced in the last chapter.

Shrugging almost imperceptibly, she withdrew her eyes and looked across the table with an expression which Nicholas Colcord could have interpreted had he not been engrossed with Sybil Latham.

Massachusetts social workers succeeded in 1917 in securing the passage of a law which permits the ordinary non-support law to be invoked in case of the man's failure to pay the amount ordered after a legal separation. See p. 13 sq. Colcord, J.C.: Article on "Desertion and Non-support." Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, May, 1918, p. 95.

"Suppose," he proceeded, "that I could make this absurd condition as Bates terms it exist. Would you gentlemen still hold your position? Believe me, I ask this in the utmost good faith " Evelyn Colcord spoke before either man could make reply. "Nick, this is getting a bit unpleasant, really." She laughed nervously. "Don't you think we could turn to something more cheerful? I adore a joke "

By LINCOLN COLCORD "You think the Chinese are prosaic," said Nichols from the darkness of his corner. "I've listened to you closely. You fellows have been discussing only superficialities. At heart, you and the Oriental are the same. The Chinese are romantic, I tell you; they are heroic. Yes, really. Let me tell you a tale." Suddenly he laughed. "You won't be convinced.

Evelyn Colcord glanced up the table with the appraising eye of a young hostess who had already established a reputation for her dinners.

The convalescence of the stranger he gave his name as Colcord proceeded favorably; for the Doctor remarked that, delicate as his system was, it had a certain purity, a simple healthfulness that did not run into disease as stronger constitutions might.

Colcord, who probably knew nothing about pictures, looked at it at first merely from the gentle and cool complaisance of his character; but becoming absorbed in the contemplation, stood long without speaking; until the Doctor, looking in his face, perceived his eyes were streaming with tears. "What are you crying about?" said he, gruffly. "I don't know," said the schoolmaster quietly.

Or did he, foreshadowing the coming Blondin, then unplanned, stretch his tight-rope across the small Niagara that flashes down into the chasm of the St. Charles, and, kicking his boots off, carry some "mute, inglorious" Colcord over in an Indian bark basket?