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"De Titanic's sinkin' in de deep blue, Sinkin' in de deep blue, deep blue, Sinkin' in de sea. O de women an' de chilen a-floatin' in de sea, O de women an' de chilen a-floatin' in de sea, Roun' dat cole iceberg, Sung 'Nearer, my gawd, to Thee, Sung 'Nearer, my gawd, to Thee, Nearer to Thee." The guitar was strumming the hymn-tune.

Dey sold me way from my mammy when I was a baby, and I'se knocked roun eber since. De oder chilen has folks to lub an kere fer em, but Moppet's got no friends;" and here the black eyes grew so dim with tears that the poor child couldn't see that the last knot was out.

And then while the mysterious coughing rose stronger and stronger and the threatening glare reached farther and wider, the negro's voice lifted up its supplications: "O Lord', we's ben mighty wicked, an' we knows dat we 'zerve to go to de bad place, but good Lord, deah Lord, we ain't ready yit, we ain't ready let dese po' chilen hab one mo' chance, jes' one mo' chance.

But good Lord, dose chilen don't b'long heah, dey's f'm Obedstown whah dey don't know nuffin, an' you knows, yo' own sef, dat dey ain't 'sponsible.

The negro was singing with every cord in his throat taut, almost sobbing. A man next to Fuselli took careful aim and spat into the box of sawdust in the middle of the ring of motionless soldiers. The guitar played the rag-time again, fast, almost mockingly. The negro sang in low confidential tones. "O de women an' de chilen dey sank in de sea.

"I don't give a damn," said Fuselli boisterously; but as he lay staring into the darkness, cold terror stiffened him suddenly. He thought for a moment of deserting, pretending he was sick, anything to keep from going on the transport. "O de women an' de chilen dey sank in de sea, Roun" dat cole iceberg." He could feel himself going down through icy water.