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Chench or Taburik thus invoked, we put our questions; the witch knotted the leaves, here a leaf and there a leaf, plainly on some arithmetical system; studied the result with great apparent contention of mind; and gave the answers.

On Tamaiti's medicine-tree, for instance, the model canoes are hung up ex voto for a prosperous voyage, and must therefore be dedicated to Taburik, god of the weather; but the stone in front is the place of sick folk come to pacify Chench. It chanced, by great good luck, that even as we spoke of these affairs, I found myself threatened with a cold.

'My patha he tell me he see: you think he lie? Tienti pronounced something like 'Chench, and identified by his majesty with the devil sends and removes bodily sickness. He is whistled for in the Paumotuan manner, and is said to appear; but the king has never seen him.

The doctors treat disease by the aid of Chench: eclectic Tembinok' at the same time administering 'pain-killer' from his medicine- chest, so as to give the sufferer both chances. 'I think mo' betta, observed his majesty, with more than his usual self- approval. Apparently the gods are not jealous, and placidly enjoy both shrine and priest in common.

Paul's; to be domesticated within the hail of Lillie Bridge; there to be dusted by the British housemaid, and to take perhaps the roar of London for the voice of the outer sea along the reef. Before even we had finished dinner Chench had begun his journey, and one of the newspapers had already placed the box upon my table as the gift of Tembinok'.

Terutak', it appeared, had still three or four in reserve against an accident; and his reluctance, and the dread painted at first on every face, was not in the least occasioned by the prospect of medical destitution, but by the immediate divinity of Chench.

Tamaiti, interrogated next day as to the shell, explained it was not exactly Chench, but a cell, or body, which he would at times inhabit. Asked why there was a sleeping-mat, he retorted indignantly, 'Why have you mats? And this was the sceptical Tamaiti! But island scepticism is never deeper than the lips.