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'He looked like a man who would kill you laughing, said A., in singular echo of one of the king's expressions. And again: 'I had been reading the Musketeer books, and he reminded me of Aramis. Such is the portrait of Tembinatake, drawn by an expert romancer. We had heard many tales of 'my patha'; never a word of my uncle till two days before we left.

Now hear the names I mention, in order, of those snakes endued with the speed of the wind and with virulent poison, born in the race of Dhritarashtra: Sankukarna, Pitharaka, Kuthara, Sukhana, and Shechaka; Purnangada, Purnamukha, Prahasa, Sakuni, Dari, Amahatha, Kumathaka, Sushena, Vyaya, Bhairava, Mundavedanga, Pisanga, Udraparaka, Rishabha, Vegavat, Pindaraka; Raktanga, Sarvasaranga, Samriddha, Patha and Vasaka; Varahaka, Viranaka, Suchitra, Chitravegika, Parasara, Tarunaka, Maniskandha and Aruni.

'My patha he tell me he see: you think he lie? Tienti pronounced something like 'Chench, and identified by his majesty with the devil sends and removes bodily sickness. He is whistled for in the Paumotuan manner, and is said to appear; but the king has never seen him.

'My uncle make all smooth, said Tembinok'. 'I mo' king than my patha: I got power, he said, with formidable relish. Such is the portrait of the uncle drawn by the nephew. I can set beside it another by a different artist, who has often I may say always delighted me with his romantic taste in narrative, but not always and I may say not often persuaded me of his exactitude.

After etiquette, government, law, the police, money, and medicine were his chief interests things vitally important to himself as a king and the father of his people. It was my part not only to supply new information, but to correct the old. 'My patha he tell me, or 'White man he tell me, would be his constant beginning; 'You think he lie? Sometimes I thought he did.

Woman he smart all the same man. I think Miss Stlevens he is chiep all the same cap'n man-o-wa'. I think Miss Stlevens he rich man all the same me. All go schoona. I very sorry. My patha he go, my uncle he go, my cutcheons he go, Miss Stlevens he go: all go. You no see king cry before. King all the same man: feel bad, he cry. I very sorry.