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Repeal the union, and you remedy this. You’ll have him at home with you not masquerading about in the disguise of a gentleman not restricted by the habits of cultivated and civilised life not tamed down into the semblance and mockery of good conduct no longer the chained-up animal of the menagerie, but the roaring, rampant lion, roaming at large in his native forest not performing antics before some political Van Amburgh not opening his huge jaws, as though he would devour the Whigs, and shutting them again at the command of his keeper but howling in all the freedom of his passion, and lashing his brawny sides with his vigoroustail.” Haydn, the composer, had an enormous appetite; to gratify which, when dining at a tavern, he ordered a dinner for three.

'Seek, then, to deserve these good things, he said. He stayed some time longer directing her how she should wear her clothes, and then in the gathering dusk he dwindled stealthily through the door. 'It is to make you like a chained-up beast or slave, Margot said to her mistress. 'Why, hold your tongue, coney, after to-day, Katharine answered, 'the walls shall hear.

Her heart was palpitating violently, yet she enjoyed the sense of her firm tread on the broad flags of the swift movement, which was like a chained-up resolution set free at last.

From there I struck across to the sound of Cleopatra's bell, and brought my two most useful friends to where the most valuable was still chained-up.

The lane was still deserted, and the same calm soft light shone through the window. D'Artagnan then thought of that cottage, silent and obscure, which had no doubt seen all, and could tell its tale. The gate of the enclosure was shut; but he leaped over the hedge, and in spite of the barking of a chained-up dog, went up to the cabin. No one answered to his first knocking.