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Updated: August 14, 2024

Come on the jump, bullies!" "Then let go smartly. Watch that you don't get the line fouled. Aloft there! Anything in sight, Cavere?" From high up on the fore-top yard, the answer, blown by the wind, came down in broken English: "Non, M'sieur; I see nottings." "Well, don't go to sleep; keep both eyes open!"

On the following day, the 7th, we passed, on our right, the mouth of the great Rio Arauca, celebrated for the immense number of birds that frequent it; and, on our left, the Mission of Uruana, commonly called La Concepcion de Urbana. This small village, which contains five hundred souls, was founded by the Jesuits, about the year 1748, by the union of the Ottomac and Cavere Indians.

Then the great rope began to slip swiftly through the hawse hole, and we heard the sharp splash as the iron flukes struck the water, and sank. Almost at that same instant the voice of Cavere rang out from the mast-head: "A sail, M'sieur a sail!" "Where away?" "Off ze port quarter. I make eet to be ze leetle boat she just round ze point"

"Id imprimis cavere oportebit, ne studia, qui amare nondum potest, oderit, et amaritudinem semel perceptam etiam ultra rudes annos reformidet." Quintil. The more I urge my method of letting well alone, the more objections I perceive against it. If your pupil learns nothing from you, he will learn from others.

It would be my business cavere ne quid detrimenti Respublica caperet, and wine is dangerous. On Saturday, April 4, I drank tea with Johnson at Dr. Taylor's, where he had dined. He entertained us with an account of a tragedy written by a Dr. Fitzherbert, who repeated to me two lines of the Prologue: "Our hero's fate we have but gently touch'd; The fair might blame us, if it were less couch'd."

It would be my business cavere ne quid detrimenti Respublica caperet, and wine is dangerous. On Saturday, April 4, I drank tea with Johnson at Dr. Taylor's, where he had dined. He was very silent this evening; and read in a variety of books: suddenly throwing down one, and taking up another. He talked of going to Streatham that night.

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