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Immediately after his interference with the popular vote he had despatched a letter by a carrier-pigeon to the patriarch in Upper Egypt, and Benjamin's reply would no doubt give him powers for still more vigorous measures.

You would have seen the Bee whom I carried to a great distance from her home, to quite unfamiliar ground, find her way back with a geographical sense of which the Swallow, the Martin and the Carrier-pigeon would not have been ashamed; and you would have asked yourself, as I did, what incomprehensible knowledge of the local map guides that mother seeking her nest. "Insect Life": chapter 19.

Other maidens were rejected on various grounds, and Euergetes had already proposed to send off a carrier-pigeon to Alexandria to command that some fair Greek girl should be sent by an express quadriga to Memphis where the dark Egyptian gods and men flourish, and are more numerous than the fair race of Greeks when Lysias exclaimed: "I saw to-day the very girl we want, a Hebe that might have stepped out from the marble group at my father's, and have been endued with life and warmth and color by some god.

Obedience and conviction alike prompted the zealous prelate to this demeanor, for the same carrier-pigeon which had brought from the patriarch his appointment to the bishopric required him to insist on Orion's punishment, for he was a thorn in the flesh of the Jacobite church, a tainted sheep who might infect the rest of the flock.

That delay was always interpreted by the French Code as a delay extending from the evening of the day to the dawn of the second day following; and some slight interval might then ensue, according as the general in command ordained. But the twenty-four hours was all of which she could be certain; and even of them some must have flown by since the carrier-pigeon had been loosed to her.

"Mon Commandant if the Boches get through, it is not the fault of my company. They did all they could." Then a last message to his wife. And presently his name is carried through the dark by a carrier-pigeon down to the Headquarters below: "The enemy surrounds us. I report to you the bravery of Captain Tabourot, seriously wounded. We are holding out."

You can't think how word flies from one harem to another like a carrier-pigeon! This could never have been a matter of gossip though it is true I was young at the time." "You think, then, he would have shut her up?" asked Nevill. "That's what I feared." "But of course he would have shut her up with another wife, perhaps." "Good Heavens!" exclaimed Stephen.

Before tying it under his wing again, she scattered more yellow seeds for the dove Imams, because she did not want them to fly away until she was ready to let her messenger go. Thus there was the less danger that the carrier-pigeon would be noticed. Only Noura, her negress, knew of him.

Emma, come here directly," said Mrs. Cathcart. Emma obeyed. "I am going a message for mis'ess." "Who is that note for?" "I didn't ask. John can read well enough." "Show it me." Emma, I presume, closed both lips and hand very tight. "I command you." "Miss Cathcart pays me my wages, ma'am," said Emma, and turning, sped down-stairs like a carrier-pigeon.

She looked toward Oued Tolga, the city, whither the carrier-pigeon had flown. "I wondered," she went on hastily, "what had become of you, and if you were happy, and whether by this time you'd nearly forgotten me. You were such a baby child when I left you!" "I won't believe you really wondered if I could forget. You, and thoughts of you, have made my whole life.