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You don't know that, 'cause you ain't got real good sense, Tusk, but it's so. 'Sides that, some business dealin's has to go through a third party. That's how he done when he made Dawson buhn you out, didn't he?" "When he what?" Tusk glared. "Why, durn yoh poh haid, don't you know he wants yoh land for the railroad?

"She done tol' me twict dis week dat I'se gwine buhn in hell for dis heah julep makin'. De fu'st thing you-alls'll know ole Zack'll bust out in flames an' den whar'll you git yoh comfo't from?" But the Colonel's glowering brows said very distinctly that the alternative was an immediate little hell right there beneath the trees and, choosing the more remote, Zack turned slowly to the house.

Everything betokened thrift and good management, and Douglass, looking at it with critical approvement, knew that so far he had made good. "She nevah looked bettah," was McVey's satisfied comment as he sat on his horse on the crest of the little divide overlooking the ranch. "Yuh suah hev got thu layout well in hand. We'll hev hay to buhn this fall."

I thought he was dying, but when I dashed more water in his face, he opened his eyes again. This time he seemed to know me. "Is it Mas' Tom?" he gasped. "Mas' Tom what let me go?" "Yes, Polete," I answered gently, "it's Master Tom." "Whar am I?" he asked faintly. "Have dee got me 'gin? Dee gwine to buhn me?" "No, no," I said. "Nobody 's going to harm you, Polete.

"Dee gib me some'n' t' eat, an' I frought maybe dee'd take me 'long, but dis mornin' dee had a big powwow, an' dee shot me an' knock me in d' haid. Seems laike dee 's gwine t' buhn a big plantation t'-night." "A big plantation, Polete?" I asked. "Where? Tell me oh, you must tell me!" But his head had fallen back, and his eyes were closed. There was another burst of blood from his nose and mouth.

Didn't he crawfish like a cowardly coyote when Ken called his bluff in thu Alcazar, an' then came sneakin' around yeah in thu night an' buhn yuh haystacks? Why, what moah d'yuh want him to do?" The indignation in her voice was genuine. "But why I cannot understand " began the girl confusedly, "why is it necessary for Mr. Douglass to personally undertake the punishment of this wretch?