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The sun had baked the sticky clay into brick-like hardness, and the hours of trampling, the tread of heavy teams, and the still heavier artillery, had filled the air with an opaque atmosphere of reddish powder, through which the masses passed in almost spectral vagueness.

"Good-afternoon, gentlemen," accosted Burton. "How are you all today?" With three silent nods the trio at the door turned and drifted aimlessly across to the billiard-room. Tom Burton went and sat alone by a window. Slowly a brick-like flush spread and deepened on his full face. This club life had become very important to him even indispensable. There was nothing with which to replace it.

When all the angular fragments are of volcanic rocks the mass is usually termed a volcanic breccia. Laterite is a red or brick-like rock composed of silicate of alumina and oxide of iron. The red layers called "ochre beds," dividing the lavas of the Giant's Causeway, are laterites. These were found by Delesse to be trap impregnated with the red oxide of iron, and in part reduced to kaolin.

Bordering this was a framework of brick-like squares or tiles, black, and ornamented with white figures. "Just like pottery," said Alan, noticing the true geometrical design and the still cruder outlines of animals. "Look," exclaimed Ned, pointing to the top of the door.

Conspicuous on his costume, and wound like an order of merit upon his breast, glittered a chain, the chain, each tiny brick-like gem spiked with a hundred sparks, and building a fabric of sturdy probabilities with the celerity of the genii in constructing Aladdin's palace. There, a cable to haul up the treasure, was the chain; where was the diamond?

In the meantime the muslins were carefully re-folded a task of some little difficulty, owing to their filmy texture and replaced in the bale. Quite a large pile of small brick-like parcels next came in for a share of Ned's attention. They, like the bales, were enveloped in wax-cloth, and like the jars were singularly heavy.

In the prow of the boat, but under the tarpaulin, he spread a layer of mud about two inches thick. Protected from the rain, it soon dried, forming a hard, impervious, brick-like covering for the bottom of the boat, and upon this he built a small smothered fire of dry sticks, a supply of which they kept in the boat.

Ned did not consider it necessary to open any more of the brick-like parcels, as, after his experience with the jars, he felt fairly satisfied that, if opened, each parcel would be found to contain a gold brick similar to the one already disclosed.

On his return to the lighter part of the cave where he had left Sibylla, his attention was again attracted by the extra large brick-like parcel, which he thought he might as well examine.

And everywhere along its length I noticed the bodies of our dead built into it to replace sandbags while others lay on the parados at the rear. It was not nice. The faces of men we had known and had called comrade looked at us now in ghastly disarray from odd sections of both walls. Already they were taking a brick-like shape from the weight of the filled bags on top of them.