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Grim chose Mujrim Ali Baba's eldest son a black-bearded, forty-year-old giant two of the younger men, Narayan Singh and me; and with the lady Ayisha's beast in tow with the empty shibrayah set off directly the sun was a span high over the nearest dune. We rode almost straight toward the sun, and in five minutes it appeared how close we were to the village whence danger might be expected.

Morgiana, remembering Ali Baba's orders, got his bathing-linen ready, and ordered Abdoollah to set on the pot for the broth; but while she was preparing it, the lamp went out, and there was no more oil in the house, nor any candles. What to do she did not know, for the broth must be made.

The excitement of the exercise, the conflict of varied feelings, the smarting of his soles, the indignation of his soul, and the absurdity of the deception, had such an effect on Hadji Baba's spirit, that he experienced no difficulty whatever in limping like a confirmed cripple, and trembling like an aspen leaf when led into the presence of the tyrant.

If he will be so indulgent with his author, let the reader approach the photoplay theatre as though for the first time, having again a new point of view. Here the poorest can pay and enter from the glaring afternoon into the twilight of an Ali Baba's cave. The dime is the single open-sesame required.

"I must not be left and yet you must take these clothes from her!" the Gul Moti said, while they helped the old man to the ground. "Then go to her neck oh, Thou Healer-without-fear! She will not wait long she follows Nut Kut, the demon! and Gunpat Rao, who both got away with everything on!" Still hoping, the Gul Moti slipped over the edge of the big howdah and climbed toward Mitha Baba's neck.

Now the elephants of the Chief Commissioner's stockades gave account of themselves. Youth had returned to them courage had been restored. They clamoured to heaven that they were doing well. They shouted to the universe that they belonged to him to Neela Deo, their King! Sanford Hantee scarcely saw an impossible thing Carlin on Mitha Baba's neck!

Stop that man with the black horses!" Jos, hearing his name called on all sides, reined in Benito and Baba as soon as he could, and looked around in bewilderment to see what had happened. Before he had time to ask any questions, Felipe had overtaken him, and riding straight to Baba's head, had flung himself from his own horse and taken Baba by the rein, crying, "Baba! Baba!"

To carry out Ali Baba's orders, Morgiana got his bathing linen ready, and bade Abdalla to set on the pot for the broth; but soon the lamp went out, and there was no more oil in the house, nor any candles. She knew not what to do, till the slave reminded her of the oil-jars in the yard. She thanked him for the thought, took the oil-pot, and went out.

A little after the robber and Baba Mustapha had parted, Morgiana went out of Ali Baba's house upon some errand, and upon her return, seeing the mark the robber had made, stopped to observe it. "What can be the meaning of this mark?" said she to herself; "somebody intends my master no good: however, with whatever intention it was done, it is advisable to guard against the worst."

The captain, and he who had visited the town in the morning as spy, came in the last. He led the captain into the street where he had marked Ali Baba's residence; and when they came to the first of the houses which Morgiana had marked, he pointed it out.