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But he took care of us as we went forward, and when I shot one of his followers for laying his hand upon me in the saddle he caught me by the leg under my skirt he would allow no retaliation. I knew boldness was the safe part to play. "But in the end we were bound with ropes as you found us, while they waited for more of their people to come, those, no doubt, you found ambushed on the hill.

According to which front you are on, the trench is of mud, clay, chalk, sand-bags, or cement; it is ambushed in gardens and orchards, it winds through flooded mud flats, is hidden behind the ruins of wrecked villages, and is paved and reinforced with the stones and bricks from the smashed houses. Of all the trenches the most curious were those of the Vosges.

In the quiet orchard, where all things seemed drowsy where the only spectators were the mellowing apples that reddened the boughs above her, and her sole auditors the brown partridges that nestled in the tall grass, and the shy cicadæ ambushed under the clover leaves her pent-up pain and disappointment bubbled over in a gush of passionate words.

As he did so, the hammers of Lethbridge's and the professor's rifles clicked simultaneously, and a great cheer rang out from the ambushed party as the two animals dropped and lay motionless.

If it is to be ambushed when you find the enemy exactly where you went to find him, and your scouts see him soon enough to give you sufficient time to spread five troops in skirmish order to attack him, and you then drive him back out of three positions for a mile and a half, then most certainly, as Bonsal says, "L Troop of the Rough Riders was ambushed by the Spaniards on the morning of June 24th."

Besides the trees and brush it was seared with ravines. A swarm of skirmishers in front whom they could not see now poured bullets among them, and the shells, curving over the heads of the ambushed sharpshooters, fell in the Union ranks. On either flank the battle opened and swelled rapidly.

Hard on the echo of the great volley came the fierce war cry of the ambushed Sioux, taken up in turn by the larger force on the flank and swelled by the multitude of women and children farther back. It was to Dick like the howl of wolves about to leap on their prey, but many times stronger and fiercer.

He placed himself at the head of one of the columns. Julian and Humphrey were on either side of him. The yell of the Highlanders was in their ears, and the huzzah of the English soldiers, as they dashed upon the retreating foe. Their line had been a little broken here by the fire of the foe, and still from ambushed sharpshooters hidden upon the plain a more or less deadly fire was kept up.

Pussy treads even softer than usual, when after the coveted cream; that larger pussy, the tiger, steals lightly towards the ambushed hunter who is to furnish him the next delicious meal; and "Tarquin's ravishing strides" are undoubtedly a misnomer, for the Roman must have been something more or less than man if he did not tip-toe his sandals or cast them off altogether, when he stole towards the midnight bed of Lucrece.

"Reade," he shouted, "we're ambushed! Hidden scoundrels have been firing on us." "You've ordered all the men in?" called Tom, as Rutter reined up beside him. "Every man of them," returned Jack. "Poor Reynolds, of the student party, is rather seriously hit, I'm afraid. Some of the fellows are bringing him in." "You're hit yourself," Tom remarked. "What?