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Within the dark aisles the chapels gloomed, here and there a red lamp made darkness darker; but the high altar was a blaze of lights. The faces, scared or sharp-set, of the worshippers fronted the glory open-mouthed, but all dull. Hunger makes a bad altar-flame; when it burns not sootily it fires the fabric.

Cold is the Druid's altar-stone, Its vanished flame no more returns; But ours no chilling damp has known, Unchanged, unchanging, still it burns. So let our broken circle stand A wreck, a remnant, yet the same, While one last, loving, faithful hand Still lives to feed its altar-flame! My heart has gone back over the waters to my old friends and my own home.

On the reverse, besides the usual fire-altar and supporters, we see on either side of the altar-flame a star and a crescent. The legend here is M probably for malka, "king" or else Kadi, together with a mint-mark. Besides his coins, one other memorial of the reign of Perozes has escaped the ravages of time.

Ambition as he formerly understood it had no more meaning for Wilfrid; the fine ardour of his being rejected grosser nourishment and burned in altar-flame towards the passion-pale woman whom he after all called wife.

Before sunset Robert was gone on his long walk to the station, and Rhoda felt a woman's great envy of the liberty of a man, who has not, if it pleases him not, to sit and eat grief among familiar images, in a home that furnishes its altar-flame.

But these were minor points, chiefly belonging to the character of the two men, whose whole natures were in curious accordance with their prize performances at Oxford, the one with all the warmth, fire, and animation of the poet of Palestine, sensitive to every impression, and making all serve to light his altar-flame; the other all common-sense, sincere, deep, and laborious, but with a narrower range of sympathies, and afraid of all that might distract attention from the one great subject.

If so, if so, those six months of torment had been in vain. He would end his misery swiftly and finally before it turned his brain. Maxwell Wyndham was guiding him towards the conservatory where a dim light shone. It was like an altar-flame in the darkness that place where first their lips had met. The memory of that night went through him like a sword-thrust. Oh, Avery! Oh, Avery!

Cold is the Druid's altar-stone, Its vanished flame no more returns; But ours no chilling damp has known, Unchanged, unchanging, still it burns. So let our broken circle stand A wreck, a remnant, yet the same, While one last, loving, faithful hand Still lives to feed its altar-flame! My heart has gone back over the waters to my old friends and my own home.

These were white only, white and virginal, flowers for some sweet woman dedicated to the service of God, or to the service of some eternal altar-flame burning, as the zeal of nature burns, through all the dawning and fading changes of the world. Thus Valentine passed his day among flowers, and only when the last twilight of the year fell had he fixed the last blossom in its place.

Before sunset Robert was gone on his long walk to the station, and Rhoda felt a woman's great envy of the liberty of a man, who has not, if it pleases him not, to sit and eat grief among familiar images, in a home that furnishes its altar-flame.