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Historians of the abbey state that the relics of the saint were brought from Agen to Conques about the year 874, and that Etienne, Bishop of Clermont, caused a basilica to be raised here in her honour between the years 942 and 984. It was under the direction of Ololric, Abbot of Conques, that the existing church was built between the years 1030 and 1062.

"Insolent pride... ...... The topmost crag of the great precipice Surmounts to rush to ruin." Ibid. 874. ... SHE is young, wise, fair, In these to Nature she's immediate heir. ...... ... Honours best thrive When rather from our acts we them derive Than our foregoers! All's Well that Ends Well. EVELYN is free; she is in Paris; I have seen her, I see her daily!

The Faroe, the Orkney and the Shetland Islands were often visited by them after 825, and in 874 they discovered Iceland, which had been reached and settled by Irishmen or Scots about 800. The Norsemen found here only some Irish hermits and monks, and these, disturbed in their peaceful retreat by the turbulent newcomers, made their way back to Ireland and left the Norsemen lords of the land.

Notwithstanding a coinage by our mints, since 1849, of $874,000,000, the people are now strangers to the currency which was designed for their use and benefit, and specimens of the precious metals bearing the national device are seldom seen, except when produced to gratify the interest excited by their novelty.

"Is that all you've got to say?" demanded the warden, bristling up. "I said, when kin I go?" repeated No. 874. "Go! you can go now. You can't go too soon to suit me!" The warden swung his chair around and showed him the broad of his indignant back. When he had filled out certain forms at his desk he shoved a pen into the silent consumptive's fingers and showed him crossly where to make his mark.

Cahier of the "Instituteurs des petites villes, bourgs, et villages de Bourgogne," Rev. des deux Mondes, April 15, 1881, 874.

TOTAL Quantity and Value of Exports from LOANDA. L. s. d. Ivory . . . Cwt. 1969 . . . . 48,225 0 0 Palm oil. . " 8111 1 qr. . . . . 12,196 17 6 Coffee. . . " 836 . . . . 1,672 0 0 Hides . . . No. 2686 . . . . 952 15 0 Gum . . . . Cwt. 4910 . . . . 6,874 0 0 Beeswax . . " 1653 . . . . 9,918 0 0 Orchella. . Tons 630 . . . . 23,940 0 0 L. 103,778 12 6

It is estimated upon the basis of present revenue laws that the receipts of the Government for the year ending June 30, 1899, will be $577,874,647, and its expenditures $689,874,647, resulting in a deficiency of $112,000,000.

The amount of specie coined from 1849 to 1857 inclusive, was $439,000,000; from 1858 to 1860, inclusive, $125,000,000, and from 1861 to 1867, inclusive, $310,000,000 making the total coinage since 1849 $874,000,000.

"No, no," said the governor quickly. "I don't want to hear that cough again. Nor look on such a wreck," he added. Two days before Christmas the warden sent to the hospital ward for No. 874. No. 874, that being Anse Dugmore, came shuffling in and kept himself upright by holding with one hand to the door jamb.